I received my shipping box in under 2 days FedEx. It's got enough foam in it to protect a snowflake. Instructions are simple; just peel (carefully) the top shipping label (actually 2 layers folded), leaving the return label affixed to the box. There's a center layer of foam between the two larger ones, and you just pull the very inner-most piece out (that is the shape of your Nano, and put it in there, place the foam on top, and tape up the box with the piece they supply (or if yours doesn't include this, just tape the box securely). Drop at a FedEx location or call for pick-up. Don't drop it in a FedEx drop box.
The letter warns that data backup is your responsibility, as you will lose your data when you send it. I deleted all my stuff. Also, they tell you not to ship anything (cables, etc.) except the iPod.
Hopefully, this information that was printed on the back of my shipping label/receipt should dispell any worries (along with what Denis above was told):
Estimated Costs
Model :MA004B/A
Serial nbr: [omitted by me]
Requested Service Coverage: QUALITY PROGRAM
If Apple confirms that service is covered and you follow instructions the estimated cost of parts and labor is $ 0.
If Apple confirms that service is covered but you fail to follow instructions on returning the part, you will be charged a non-return fee of $ $ 0.
If Apple confirms that service is not covered by Apple but you follow instructions on returning the part, the estimated costs of parts and labor is $ $ 0.
If Apple confirms that service is not covered by Apple and you fail to follow instructions on returning the part, you will be charged a total fee of $ $ 0.
Additional information contained in the accompanying documentation. They're referring to the cover letter in the box.]
Problem Description:
Z01-M26 Battery REP
That was painless. I will patiently await my replacement, and if no one has posted about theirs before then, I will follow up with another post.