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Powermac G4 USB 2.0 Card Support

Hello all,

I am upgrading my Powermac, and have a question on the support for pci usb 2.0 cards. Now, any card that says the words "mac compatable" is probably going to be a couple bucks over, and I am looking for something cheap. Here is what I plan on buying:

http://www.ebay.com/itm/USB-2-0-5-PORT-PCI-HUB-CARD-HIGH-SPEED-ADAPTER-/26085494 6382?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cbc2a9a4e#ht_3602wt_984

Btw, I plan on running tiger, and possibly leopard after a ram upgrade.

Would anybody here see any problems with this card in a Powermac G4 400mhz Sawtooth?


PowerMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11), Tiger Server

Posted on Nov 17, 2011 5:19 PM

25 replies
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Nov 17, 2011 6:05 PM in response to ipodmacdood

Based on the description, this should work in your Mac.

One of the prerequisites with PCI USB and or PCI FireWire cards is that it has to have an NEC chipset in it to operate properly in older Macs.

NEC chipsets are supported for sleep and deep sleeping Macs.

Sometimes, even with the NEC chipset, they can run flaky in sleep mode on Macs.

At least in this case, there is some chance that it should function well in your Mac.

If it does give you issues, you have the 14 day return policy to return it.

I'd try it. I'd bet it would work fine;)


Nov 17, 2011 6:13 PM in response to MichelPM

Thanks for the reply! I have already found a mac compatable card, a reviewer said that he used it in his powermac g4, and it worked great.

Syba SD-VIA-5U 5-port (4+1) USB 2.0 PCI Card, VIA Chip

Also, I have a question for you, Is it ok if my Powermac makes a small scratch sound before the bong? It just sounds like some current is getting to the speaker when powered on, but I was wondering what you opinion would be. I am pretty sure it isn't a ram problem (because I checked it), and it is before the bong, which (the bong sound) is perfectly fine.


Nov 17, 2011 10:30 PM in response to ipodmacdood

My Mac does the same thing. I believe it's just either current getting to the speaker during startup or a test during startup for the driver that powers the internal speaker . Either way, no big deal.

As far as this other PCI USB card goes, some cards w/o the NEC can work fine, but every Mac model is a variable. I read the specs and that review and the reviewer doesn't mention the type of G4 he is using.

The chipset doesn't appear to be an NEC chipset, either. It will work, most likely, but you may encounter sleeping/deep sleep issues with this card in your Mac.

You'll know only when you install it. If you can sleep your Mac, now, w/o issues, if you try and sleep your Mac with the new card installed and you try to put your Mac to sleep w/o it not waking up after sleeping, then it's an issue with the card and can't be resolved. The reviewer did say that he had some problems with using certain USB devices with this card, though. He mentioned the bulit-in USB ports did function better for some devices than the card.

I think you'd be better off with your original choice 😉

I have a PCI card with an NEC chipset that worked well and let my Mac sleep under OS X 10.4.11 Tiger.

As soon as I upgraded to OS X 10.5, I lost the ability to sleep my Mac with that card.

Caveat Emptor 😉


Nov 17, 2011 10:57 PM in response to ipodmacdood

If you plan on running OS X 10.5 Leopard, be aware that you'll run into snags installing on this machine.

10.5 needs minimum 867 Mhz CPU.

A combo drive for reading the OS X 10.5 installation DVD.

512 MBs of RAM minimum. 1 GB of RAM is recommended.

AT least 9 GBs of free HD space. I recommend at least 20 GBs or greater.

And you'll need to purchase a set of OS X 10.5 Leopard retail discs.

Do not purchase any grey colored discs from any third party. These will not work!!!!

You need to ask for direct sales at Apple by calling 1-800-MY-APPLE.

Hopefully, Apple still has a supply of Leopard discs in stock to still sell.

You may need this helper application to get your Legacy Mac up and running on OS X 10.5 Leopard.


May have same issues and requirements running OS X 10.4 Tiger on this Mac.

If you do not have OS X 10.4 Tiger retail discs, my same instructions apply.


Nov 17, 2011 11:06 PM in response to MichelPM

Leopard requirements/10.5.x...

* Mac computer with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor

minimum system requirements

* 512MB of memory (I say 1.5GB for PPC at least, 2-3GB minimum for IntelMacs)

* DVD drive for installation

* 9GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least)


You have to call Apple & likely ask for a Product Specialist to get it, if they still have it! Helps to tell them you have an iPad/iPhone & you can't run 10.6.

There are workarounds if the 867MHz is the only hangup...



Nov 18, 2011 1:05 AM in response to ipodmacdood

The VIA chipset is often the cause of failure to sleep or wake from sleep issues.

They also often require drivers which are often incompatible with other components of OS X.

THE best USB PCI card to use is one with the NEC chipset.

FULL Explanation:


Some Syba cards do have the NEC chipset.

This $5 card is also fine.


Nov 19, 2011 9:11 PM in response to MichelPM

I will be using Leopard Assist, if I even get around to attempting to install leopard 😀. I have one more question, Do you still use your G4? I will be using it as a secondary desktop (to go along with my C2D iMac) for word processing and iTunes unitl I get a G5 Powermac. Btw, if you do still use your G4, Would 1.2GB ram and an upgraded Graphics card be good enough to use as a secondary destkop? I have upgraded the HDD, soon the ram, and the video card was upgraded from the original ati rage pro to an ATY (which I am assuming it is an ATI) 64mb card which handles very very well while running the Snood deluxe game for mac.


Nov 20, 2011 11:28 PM in response to ipodmacdood

My G4 is my only, primary Mac. I am, too, going to be "upgrading" to a newer G5 soon.

I need to stay with a PowerPC Mac as I can't afford to both splurge for a brand new Mac and update all of my core software and graphics software to Intel versions in the forseeable future.

I upgraded my video in my Mac with a 256 MB VRAM ATI 9600 some years, ago.

I, also, have my Mac running wirelessly with the help of an aftermarket WiFi PCI card.

Works great!

As far a memory is concerned, I would just bite the bullet and max your G4.

There are two models of PowerMac G4 400 MHz models.

An older one used PCI video, the other used AGP video.

If you own the PCI video slot version, you can only max the RAM to 1 GB.

If you own the AGP model, then you can max out your RAM to 2 GBs.

My, opinion, it's worth maxing out the RAM.

OS X likes as much RAM as it can get. The more you install, OS X will be better for it.

Especially, if you decide an try to install and run OS X 10.5 Leopard.


Nov 20, 2011 11:37 PM in response to MichelPM

Forgot to mention, even if you decide to upgrade your video card, it won't really help with today's video protocols and formats.

With the card I am using, I can, barely, playback 720p videos ( there is some frame drops and frame stutter) and I can't play any 1080p videos at all. The frame rates on 1080p videos is awful to watch on my Mac.

I think with a much older Mac as yours, you'll have similar issues or worse.

I am not sure what is the best third party video card you can use in your Mac and whether or not you'll be able to find one.


Nov 21, 2011 3:15 PM in response to ipodmacdood

It's in my signature at the bottom of each of my posts.

I noticed, for some reason, it's missing from my last two posts.

Maybe because I responded those last two times on my iPad?

It's a 1.25GHz CPU Power Mac, maxed to 2 GBs of RAM, with an ATI 9600 256 MB video card and various

PCI USB 2.0/FireWire and WiFi cards.


Nov 21, 2011 4:58 PM in response to MichelPM

WOW! You still even sync an iPad with it? That's good to hear, I am a PPC fanatic, and to hear that is pretty cool. I bought the card recomended off of amazon, and it just shipped. I also have made plans to get a Powermac G5, which should arrive within a week or so. Would anybody have any advice on what to expect with a dual 1.8ghz with 2gb ram 160GB HDD? I am slowly becoming more and more of a PPC enthusiast, and getting the G5 will be very interesting, I have never had a truly "fast" ppc machine besides my iMac G4.


Nov 22, 2011 3:07 AM in response to ipodmacdood

The 9000 is a pretty good card. It doesn't have any Core Image support (needed for Leopard), but is a good card.

If you want to know how far a Sawtooth can go, look at my website All_Things_PPC.html.

Check the Sawtooth page, and then check all of the benchmark pages.

If you put a 1.8 GHz processor, 2 GB of RAM and a 9800 Pro, you will have a machine that is pretty much as fast as the first generation G5's.

The dual processor comes into play with OS X operation and only dual processor aware third party apps.

It is, however, light years faster than what you currently have.

Last bit of advice; don't spend "new price" money. Get parts at bargain prices and the upgrades are worth it.

With smart shopping, for about $600, you can build a mini-ITX 3.3 GHz i5 with 8 GB RAM, Radeon 5770, 1 TB hard drive Hackintosh that runs Lion.

Just keepin it real...


Powermac G4 USB 2.0 Card Support

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