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Aperture 4 Wish List

Aperture 4 Wish List

Lens distortion correction.

Panoramic function and 360º photo (like QuickTime VR)

Time lapse function. (This would be great)

Better noise reduction.

Film grain emulation.

Twitter integration.

Aperture 3, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

Posted on Dec 28, 2011 3:50 PM

317 replies

Dec 9, 2012 4:55 AM in response to Yer_Man

Not trying to have it anyone as unlike maybe you, I have not expressed my opinion as fact... I have no knowledge of Apple's intentions. I can only say what I think based on my opinion. My insertion of the rumor mill was also based on previous rumors about unannounced Apple products. Some pan out, some don't. They are no less valid than your Amazon assertions which you based on books about a non-existent product...

I can announce anything I want as my opinion which I did. You haven't posted one cogent argument detailing the alleged unannounced, missing in action Aperture 4. Considering this is a forum and not an Apple board room, it would be safe to say that many things mentioned here outside of technical help are opinions and nothing more. Sorry if that was too high-brow for you. Next time, I will break it down a bit more for you to consume.

<Edited By Host>

Dec 9, 2012 2:11 AM in response to léonie

leonieDF wrote:

You are entitled to your personal opinion, but there is a difference to personal attacks, you know.

Look again at the Community etiquette,that you agreed to.

Neither speculations, nor topics not related to technical support questions should be posted here.

Agreed. They are my personal opinions. Nothing more, nothing less. You might want to go read the preceding post before my "personal attack"... Hypocrisy seems to run deep...

As for your point about speculations, or non-technical topics; if we went by that then this thread needs to be deleted which I have no ptoblem with...

Should be all clear now...

Dec 9, 2012 3:22 AM in response to Don Trammell

My insertion of the rumor mill was also based on previous rumors about unannounced Apple products. Some pan out, some don't. They are no less valid than your Amazon assertions which you based on books about a non-existent product...

Those are not "my" Amazon assertions, those come from the self-same rumour sites that you claim are "usually reliable" - the point being you say there are no rumours, and I actually pointed out that there were, and that they point to an Aperture 4. You then got sarcastic.

It was never my business to announce Aperture 4, all I did was take the reason you gave for doubting it's existence (Apple's silence) and point out that this is standard operating procedure, and therefore Apple's silence indicates nothing.

Then you based your next assertion on the rumour mill and I pointed out that a: I don't agree with you about those and b: even if I did, the amazon rumours contradicted what you said.

So, you keep passing out your opinion, all I'm doing is pointing out that your opinion is not necessarily based on valid premises.

Now you may call that "passive-aggressive" or anything you want, but if you're expressing opinions that can cause FUD, and these opinions are based on nothing substantial, you can expect to be called on them.

Dec 9, 2012 5:27 AM in response to Yer_Man

On amazon.de you can find this:

Apple Aperture 4: Unleashing Your Photo Workflow

by author John Levell. The date of publication is given with december 13th, 2012. This is next thursday, so let's see what will happen! This is no rumor. Go to amazon.de, search for "Aperture 4" and see for yourselves. On amazon.com you won't find this book. No idea why!

Dec 9, 2012 11:00 AM in response to niko.n

FWIW, the release date of the book has been pushed back several times (May, July, October, and now December). I wouldn't hold my breath fo the December 14th date.

That said, I've used both LR4 and Aperture. LR4 has it's strengths, but IMHO its biggest weakness is the lack of integration in the OS X/iOS environment. For someone like Don where his main concern is the end result of the image and other things such as books/slideshows/OS integration aren't important, the LR is a good choice. I'll be the first to admit that I'm still struggling on which to choose.

Dec 9, 2012 11:20 AM in response to One Big Wookie

OBW, you hit the nail on the head. LR needs more OS X integration. As you stated, I am more interested in an effienct workflow that has some of the more advanced features that have been mentioned here.

Like you, I am struggling with the LR verses Aperture decision...

For the sake of clarity, in my opinion, Aperture is circling the drain and will not be supported much more. There may be books for Aperture 4 or Aperture 5 but until they support an actual selling product, the point is moot... Time will tell...

Dec 9, 2012 12:21 PM in response to Don Trammell

On December 8, 2011, Apple released Aperture 3.2.2. Now, one year later, we are at 3.4.2 with in total about 8 minor updates in between. So why is everybody so sure, that Aperture is no longer supported? I really can't see it, nor an end of Aperture at all. But maybe you know more than I do?

Sometimes one program is ahead of the competitors and with the next release of a major version another one is. It's just a question of time or maybe "timing". This is also true for cameras. Once Nikon releases a new camera with lots of new or improved features, pushing the limits higher, next time Canon goes beyond and the game starts again. Over and over. This is nothing which shatters my world... Aperture runs smooth and at the time being without any crashes. I know my workflow and I can live with those little missing things until a future version may integrate them. If not - it's also ok. No software is perfect.

Dec 9, 2012 12:30 PM in response to niko.n

niko.n wrote:

On December 8, 2011, Apple released Aperture 3.2.2. Now, one year later, we are at 3.4.2 with in total about 8 minor updates in between. So why is everybody so sure, that Aperture is no longer supported? I really can't see it, nor an end of Aperture at all. But maybe you know more than I do?

Exactly. I can't believe all the whining going on here the last few days. And for those wanting to change to LR: Do a comparision first. YMMV, but I think Apple's RAW developer is the better one, it gives better detail and texture compared to Adobe's, and is only surpassed, IMHO, by Silkypix.

Dec 16, 2012 4:28 AM in response to Yer_Man

Sorry for the delay, but I rellay couldn't be bothered to answer your goal-post moving comments.

You stated: "Well I would disagree about the rumour mills, and perhaps you missed the stuff about Aperture 4 books on Amazon. You're perfectly entitled to your opinion (or OPINION - what's the difference?) but if you're going to spread FUD with no evidence, don't be surprised if someone provides actual reasonable alternative explanations."

My reply: You brought up Amazon as a potential source to prove that Aperture 4 is a reality. Not me. So your source is no better than mine and you now a member of the FUD universe along with me. When guys like John Gruber, Gene Munster, and a few other highly respected Apple evangelists (apologists), etc... are quiet about an Apple product maybe it could mean that Apple has no intention to support it any longer. Considering that Aperture is not a cash cow, and we all know that Apple is all about making money first and foremost, not necessarily listening to their user base, it could simply be that they no longer feel that Aperture is worth the effort. Who knows? Maybe you do as you seem to know everything...

As it stands, Aperture is lacking in many feautres in regards to Lightroom. It is simply a fact. Like it or not, that is just the way it is. Will Apple respond? No one knows, except maybe you of course.

@espen vestre,

Nikon's Capture NX is the best RAW processing engine I have ever used for NEF files... Better than Aperture and Lightroom with processing RAW's from Nikon cameras...


I am not speaking in regards to what software is perfect or not. I am talking about Apple not keeping up with features that have been requested and answered by the competition. This too is a fact...

Dec 16, 2012 10:22 AM in response to Don Trammell

My reply: You brought up Amazon as a potential source to prove that Aperture 4 is a reality. Not me.

No I did not. As I said above that was never my purpose.My purpose in all of this is simply to point out that the reasons who give for doubting the existence of Aperture 4 are groundless. I'm not sure why you have trouble understanding this but let's try once more.

1. You said the rumour sites were "usually a good indicator" of what was happening at APple.

2. I disageed with you about that but then mentioned material from those selfsame rumour sites - these Amazon rumours - disproved what you say.

You see? Is that so difficult to understand? You said rumour sites are usually reliable. I said they're not but even assuming that they are, these selfsame rumour sites are pointing in exactly the opposite direction that you say they are. Right? Is that so difficult to understand. You said 'there are no rumours, ergo there will be no Aperture 4', and I replied (even though I put no credence in rumours) 'there are are rumours and they point to the opposite'.

Let me know if you still can’t grasp that.

So, I have no source, I don't need a source. I'm just pointing put that your source is saying exactly the opposite of what you say.

So, yes it could be that Apple won't release Ap4. It may also never release an Apple TV. Or it could release both tomorrow and a rubber gun that squirts rainbows. My point is that you have no evidence for your opinion.

You have a nice day now.

Dec 16, 2012 10:50 AM in response to Yer_Man

I see the problem now. You didn't understand the difference between the words opinion and fact, but I am here to help you out becasue you do seem like a nice guy. I've listed two words that seem to give you a hard time. My opinions here are nothing more than opinion. You listed the fact that there is a book about Aperture 4 as proof or more than an opinion that Aperture 4 is going to be a reality. Anyway, it should be clear to you know. The difference between an opinion and a fact. It is my opinion, no my fact that Apple will not release Aperture 4. I do hope for the irubber gun that shoots iRainbows. I'll buy one...

opinion |əˈpinyən|nouna view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge: I'm writing to voice my opinion on an issue of greatimportance | that, in my opinion, is dead right.the beliefs or views of a large number or majority of people about a particular thing: the changing climate of opinion.(opinion of) an estimation of the quality or worth of someone or something: I had a higher opinion of myself than I deserved.

fact |fakt|nouna thing that is indisputably the case: she lacks political experience—a fact thatbecomes clear when she appears in public | a body of fact.(the fact that) used in discussing the significance of something that is the case: the real problem facing them is the fact that their funds are being cut.(usu. facts) a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article.chiefly Lawthe truth about events as opposed to interpretation: there was a question of fact as to whether they had received the letter.

Dec 16, 2012 10:59 AM in response to Don Trammell

I see the problem now.

No you still don't. The problem remains that you have a comprehension problem.

You listed the fact that there is a book about Aperture 4 as proof or more than an opinion that Aperture 4 is going to be a reality.

No I didn't. I mentioned the rumour to disprove your comment about rumour sites.

So, no, you still have some work to do on your comprehension.

Y'all have a lovely day now.

Dec 16, 2012 11:15 AM in response to Yer_Man

Here's more help for you. I just want you to be clued in. No need to thank me...

Maybe English isn't your mother language and you are comprehension challenged. I will go slow for you this time though. Work with me here. In my opinion which I do not have to base on fact at all because it is my opinion, Apple will not release Aperture 4. Do I have a fact to back this up? Nope. Do I need a fact to back this up bacause I prefaced my statement with the word "opinion" (see above for the definition)? Nope again, it is my opinion... Seems that you are having a very hard time with this, but I've explained it well enough that even you can understand it.

To summarize:

1. I do not think Apple will launch Aperture 4. This is based on my opinion and that alone.

2. Maybe Apple will prove me wrong and release Aperture 4.

3. Maybe cows will jump over the moon.

P.S. What is the end game here? You are not the most captivating person and I am getting bored. So do you have something really cogent to say or are we going to go round and round?

rumor |ˈro͞omər|(Brit.rumour)nouna currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth: theywere investigating rumors of a massacre | rumor has it that he will take ayear off.verb (be rumored)be circulated as an unverified account: [ with clause ] : it's rumored that he lives on a houseboat | [ with infinitive ] : she is rumored to have gone into hiding.ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French rumur, from Latinrumor noise.

Dec 16, 2012 11:28 AM in response to Don Trammell

Alright guys - play nice in the sandbox.

Apple continues to support the current version of Aperture by providing regular camera RAW and software updates. Apple has never been one to release information early on it's software or hardware plans (exception being WWDC). There were many that thought Aperture 2 was the end of the line and suddently ver. 3 appeared. The rumor mill for Apple's hardware seems to be a lot more reliable than it does for software.

If you're not heavily invested in the Apple ecosystem or need integration with iWork applications, then LR may be a better option. LR is a good image editor/DAM. It has it's strengths...it also has it's weaknesses. Same holds for Aperture.

Aperture 4 Wish List

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