How can i delete notifications from iCal without sending the decline/deleted notification to the sender?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Perfect quick solution. Thanks!
Hard to understand why iCal doesn't just have a delete "without notification" option in the right click. Oh well.
work for me - thanks!
I did not get the "delete without notify' option until I created a new calendar as suggested above, moved the spam invite to that calender and then deleted that temp calendar
APPLE- Get on the stick
Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions. These are mostly user to user discussions.
Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem or a suggestion for change. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem/suggested change solved sooner.
Unfortunately, those spam turds are getting smarter. When I tried to do that, a message popped up to say that only the sender could move the event to a new calendar. I had to delete my entire calendar with all my appointments but will try to restore it in my icloud account based on a backup. This is very frustrating. Apple, please give us FULL CONTROL of our calendars!!!
Thanks mate useful trick
I'd like to add to your information if I may, as I found it the most helpful. I wanted to delete the notification(s), but also everything else about the offending event(s). This worked for me on macOS Sierra 10.12.1
ℹ *** WARNING *** - using tools against these Calendar files is at your own risk. These are Apple database files that are holding your precious information. Choosing to follow the steps below is your choice. Think about what you are doing before you click merrily away at the objects in here. ⚠ Backup the file(s) BEFORE you start.
First step: Let me repeat what I've just written - Backup the file(s) BEFORE you start 🙂
1) I purchased Datum from the app store. I'm not wedded to this product, just found it useful to get a GUI SQL editor rather than on the command line with sqlite3.
2) As Vatsal321 says, open your UserID/Library/Calendars/Calendar Cache file
3) The tables of interest are: ZCALENDARITEM and ZMESSAGE
4) Write some SQL to find the offending event(s). Do this by following steps #5, 6, 7.
5) Click on SQL in the main window.
7) Execute the statement.
8) Read through the list that is returned. The first column is the Primary Key (Z_PK). When you find any event(s) you don't want, record the PK number. If you are sure you no longer want the event(s), select (one or more) and then right click. Choose delete.
9) By now, you should get a feel for how the app works. Go ahead and look in ZMESSAGE. If you see references to PK event IDs that you recorded in Step # 8, it's probably safe to assume it's a related reply message back to the owner. Delete appropriate rows in ZMESSAGE as you see fit.
10) Your Calendar should now be clean of the unwanted event(s).
I tried all the above and while I get the option to "delete without notify" option if I get a friend to send from their iCloud account they do get an email saying I've deleted it. Haven't tried to use the Terminal or SQL way yet
Still a problem in Sierra. I didn't want all these entries from some Chinese Oakley knock-off sites and the only choice to remove them was to essentially confirm my email address with them.
When I tried to move the invitations to my new "Spam Invitations" calendar, I too got the pop-up that said that only the organizer can make changes to the event. And, unfortunately, these events ($1.99 Oakley and Ray-Ban deals) keep extending themselves daily across the calendar. So I guess I'm going to be living forever with this creature from a science fiction movie who keeps growing and can't be killed. 😠
I thought I had a simpler answer (below), but sadly the notifications still persist on the desktop although they appear to be gone from the iPhone. I'd delete my post but that doesn't seem to be an option.
--- my original post below ---
Creating a temporary calendar, moving offending invites in to that calendar and then deleting it works. Unfortunately, spammers are finding success by sending iCal messages, so they're going to keep doing it. I wanted a solution that doesn't require creating-then-deleting a temp calendar all the time, so I do a little "less".
Now, whenever a new event arrives, just change it to Spam and it's gone, and the notifications disappear as well. Yes, they're still in the calendar database, but at least you don't have to see them.
I couldn't get the – create a new calendar, move to new calendar, delete new calendar – method to work. I got the message that only the event creator could make changes. But I was doing it on the web in iCloud. When I tried it on the phone calendar in iOS it worked! So that may be an important note for some of us.
brilliant. (apple still should fix this - horrible spam..)
My solution is a variant of others posted here. I've created a new calendar called junk.
I've unclicked it on all devices and put any unwanted carp in there and leave it
For the last 3 days I have also received those RayBan n Oakley notifications on my calendar. There is absolutely no way to delete on the calendar, I do not want to reply or open them. They r signed w/a foreign language, and certainly r very suspicious looking. I'm afraid to even go near them to move to a new spam calendar I would need to create. Hello APPLE, r u listening??
New trick, works in 10. Hit Decline on the invite. It will show a comment field, leave it blank. Do it on all the invites leaving the comment blank. Finally, hit Replied on the top to switch the view. All invites are marked as read and gone from Inbox!
How can i delete notifications from iCal without sending the decline/deleted notification to the sender?