This certainly sounds plausible. Even if your quality is all over the place, you can't just back out of a major release of a widely anticipated product. And you can't scrap a bunch of parts that cost a lot of money to produce, unless you're presented with absolutely no choice. Sometimes you have to go forward with a plan and accept that there will be some people that are unhappy with the experience. Who knows how many flawed iPads are really out there. People on this forum seem to like to compare the number of displeased people on the forum with the total number sold, and say that the number of people unhappy with the experience is very tiny. The vast majority of people who buy Apple products have no idea that this forum exists. There's just no way to know how many are truly satisfied based on this forum. And Apple isn't going to give out those numbers. As for me, I am returning my sixth and final one to Target tonight. This one is nice and white, except for the left side. That's greyish and darker. It's most obvious when reading Kindle or browsing/emailing with the thing in portrait mode. If I do everything in landscape orientation, it's not noticable. In fact I thought that I'd found a good one, until I went to read a book last night. Then the flaw in it became obvious. I have been purposefully avoiding comparing them to my original iPad until after I've found something wrong. After all, they are not the same screen, and aren't meant to look the same. The one thing that amazes me is that though the screen resolution of the new iPad is twice that of the original iPad, my original iPad has a great screen. I can't find a flaw in it. It is easier to read an eBook or browse the internet on an iPad with a lower resolution that does not have a greyish stripe running down the left side than it is to use the new one.
After six, it is obvious that I am wasting my time and energy on this. I've spent almost a month buying and returning iPads. I used to open up a box from Apple with anticipation and excitement. Now it's become something else entirely. I hate being the person who returns products to the store. I always feel like a complete jerk. And by the time this exercise in futility is done, I will have returned six.
I'm still not sure what I will do. My original iPad is still fully functional, but I made the mistake of updating it to iOS5, and now it is slow and crash prone. Maybe I'll pick up a 16GB iPad2 to hold me over until the next major release of an iPad. I love my wife's iPad2. I wish that I could get a 32 GB one. I'm sure that I can get used to looking at a lower res screen again. Or, maybe I'll just wait a few months, hope that they work out whatever issues they're having, and give it another try.