Well, let's have a lesson in electronics shall we. Firstly, I mean no disrespect to anyone here but I would like to shed some light on this topic.
We all know processors generate heat. LEDs generate heat. Wireless radios generate heat. Even batteries generate heat. I have a third gen 64Gb Wifi only. I upgraded from a first gen for the retina display and the quad core graphics.
The iPad 2 has a 25wH battery. The third gen has a 42.5wH battery. Considering that is close to twice the battery power in nearly the same space and the battery life is close to the same time one can infer that we are burning twice the power than the iPad 2. Anytime you are using power, heat is generated as a loss in the system. More power burned, more heat. Now add to that using the wireless radios, either Wifi or LTE (which is a power hog). There is more heat. Now turn on your backlight LEDs. These things all add up. Now I would like to talk about another heat topic in electronics.
Thermal Runaway.
What is thermal runaway? If you think back to high school physics when you learned the basics of electronics we all know that resistance in a circuit causes heat when a current flows through it. a toaster is a perfect example. Current flows through a high resistance wire and heat is generated. It's not a good example because this is not thermal runaway. The system is designed so the heat generated does not push the resistance too high. The air flow allows enough cooling to have the coils stop their temperature rise at a point of equilibrium. When an electronic circuit gets hot it's resistance goes up automatically. This in turn causes more heat to generate and the cycle is repeated. The new iPad is designed as a power house tablet. It's amazingly powerful at 3d gaming and graphically intensive applications. Mine does get hot. Very hot when I am playing sky gamblers while plugged in. With the display at 100%. I honestly didn't expect it to run cool did you? It gets warm when surfing, but hot it I lay it on my bed like it is now. Warm watching a movie, hot when it is on a non thermally conductive surface. I don't have a case for the back as I want the heat to get out. It has no fans nor any vents. It's a passively cooled system. If it gets too hot to hold after playing a game for a while, I lay it down, back directly against my granite countertop for a minute or two and it cools right off. Just holding it while playing it never gets TOO hot though it can get uncomfortable. It I lay it on the bed while paused, just for a minute, then it gets real hot.
Think about what you are all complaining about. You want more power, faster wireless speeds, better display and more battery but you don't expect this comes at a price?
I for one LOVE my new iPad.