I think the original issue has been blurred by respondents commenting on QuicklookSatellite_Legacy issues (as I did) which is slightly different than the original post. The original post has been marked as solved but the thread now seems to be focused on the QuicklookSatellite_Legacy issue which seems to be common to a lot of CAD 3D applications for the Mac. They include Draftsight, CorelCAD, iCadMac, ARES Commander and there may be others.
One comment makes the statement that Draftsight and CorelCAD are based on ARES Commander and I already know that iCadMac is based on ARES Commander.
Users with the QuicklookSatellite_Legacy issues might be interested in the following given that ARES Commander seems to be the common denominator.
I purchased a licence for ARES Commander and in the last week I was notified of an update which re-installed the glgenerator I had previously disabled. I noticed immediately that the CPU was being hogged by the QuicklookSatellite_Legacy process I could see in Monitor. There were two processes running at 375% and 300% each. The CPU fans were running flat out with the CPU temperature at 90 degrees Celsius and the CPU Diode at 85 degrees Celsius.
I logged a job with Graebert (the developers in Germany) including the notes that the process kicked off when I accessed subfolders on my Macbook that were unrelated to CAD drawings. In other words the process kicked off whenever I moved around in Finder. The job was marked as Critical and yesterday I received advice that a Service Pack will be issued later this month to address the issue.
It could be that this may ripple through to iCadMac, CorelCAD, Draftsight and any other application based on ARES Commander.