kdrummer wrote:
-Did you isolate the processes in Activity Monitor that are hogging your CPU? Was Finder chewing up CPU as well as QuicklookSatellite-Legacy?
Currently there are two instances of quicklook satellite-legacy running.
This is what the Open Files and Ports shows on both:
/System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Versions/A/Resources/quicklookd.a pp/Contents/XPCServices/QuickLookSatellite.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookSatellite
/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/PlugIns/csparser.bundle/Contents/M acOS/csparser
/Applications/DraftSight.app/Contents/Library/QuickLook/FxQuickLookDrawing.qlgen erator/Contents/MacOS/FxQuickLookDrawing
/private/var/folders/8q/jdvzh8488xj6z300r6bnph280000gv/C/com.apple.LaunchService s-036507.csstore
count=1, state=0x2
Maybe it's the DraftSight QL plugin?
Now those have stopped the Finder is using 80% of the CPU. It shows a whole lot of frameworks and stuff, but no particular file or folder bsides system stuff.
[EDIT] I have removed the QL plugin from DraftSight, and the activity of the quicklook satellite-legacy process has stopped. Let's see if it comes back.
I can also blame some of the Finder activity to DropBox. I saw that on the list earlier and quit it. I leave Activity Viewer running all the time so I can see what's going on when this stuff happens.