Kernel panics on Mountain Lion are normal?
I made the mistake of upgrading my Mac Pro to Mountain Lion. Since then, I've been plagued by several nasty issues. They are:
- 4 to 5 kernel panics per day now on average. In the previous 4 years of owning this machine, I'd only seen one total before Mountain Lion.
- Preferences are not being retained when saved. This is especially maddening in Mail where I have to correct a mail setting every single time it launches (or restarts from a hard freeze/kernel panic)
- Whenever a kernel panic happens, the contents of my two monitors are swapped. What is supposed to display on the left display jumps to the right display and the contents of the right display move to the left display. This includes menubar, desktop images and my geektool scripts.
- While not technically a bug, I feel completely mislead by Apple regarding Airplay capabilities. I upgraded solely for this one feature only to learn that my 8-core, 12Gb of RAM, Dual Video Cards and SSD Raid is not sufficient to utilize this feature. This is incredibly dishonest marketing on Apple's part.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? I'm leaning towards reverting back to Lion and askin