I'll second this response. As someone who is constantly moving around while at work - conference room to conference room to office to meeting to ... - it is far more dangerous for my laptop to be open than it is closed. Sure, keeping it running while in a roller-bag is not good for the hard drive... and I have no problem letting it sleep / hibernate / or even fully shutting down. HOWEVER... there are too many good business reasons to shut the lid without anything happening.
1. Someone walks into my office and I don't want them to see the confidential information on my screen (no... not ****... just good security)
2. I'm walking down the hall to a meeting and have the same issue. Why should I advertise what I'm working on? What if it's the latest layoff list?
3. My current employeer has great wireless access but requires a formal signoff to connect (via a web-page with ID/PW). What happens when my laptop goes to sleep? I have to re-authenicate!
Regardless of how you personally feel about the issue, this type of behavior should be considered a basic security practice as well as a convenience.
In response to some of the options presented above:
a. I have an external mouse connected. Doesn't make a difference.
b. Sharing your internet connection? Seriously? That's a terrible idea as a general practice.
c. Running a 3rd party program may be OK, but every new program brings some risk. If a 3rd party program can do it... why doesn't Apple just expose the setting.
Apple: I can run both Linux and Windows and have the OPTION to let my machine run with the lid closed. Please give us the same courtesy.