For all those screaming at and belittling the "apple fanbois" you are equally "anti-apple fanbois" saying the exact oppostie of everything and being self-satisfied.
Apple prevents this because it would mean increased warranty claims for the people who "forget" and then ruin their Macs. Apple would have no way of proving it was from neglect, so they'd have to cover it under warranty, losing a ton of money. In this case No option = good business.
Aside from that, it's been posted so many times, if you really need to do an end run around Apple, you can. Apple doesn't prevent this, because they can immediately say "you have so and so third party app enabled and you caused your Macbook to overheat, so we don't cover that."
This also = good business.
I am a competent user. I love Apple products, I understand why they limit potentially dangerous actions, and I also understand that I can, if I want, unlimit those actions. I have NoSleep installed and it's awesome.
So can we just say, Apple is right, business-wise, to not have this option. But they are cool to allow others to make apps to enable it, while protecting themselves as a company. I want Apple to be a good business and keep making great stuff.
Honestly, I don't see how having a tiny, FREE icon in my menubar that requires only a single click to enable, is a bad thing.
Apple +1
NoSleep +1