I have something for this topic to say.
After almost an year searching many times how to solve the problem of this magic mouse I was almost loosing my patience when suddendlys I found the problem and the solution.
One day I was very nervous and the connection was lost many times and many times I recreated the connection.
Other day the connection was going without any issue.
Battery, super charged or low in charge, doesn't have an influence.
The I started to try be nervous.
Well when you are nervous you are not the person that use soft way to address things. When you are nervous you are nervous.
When you use the mouse, normally you start to lift a little bit up and down in order to move the mouse. The bluetooth is wave, but the mouse is still hardware and if you are nervous you start to use the mouse more rigidly and to shock on the table more hardly.
The problem:
The magic mouse loose the connecion
The cause:
a mechanical shot on the table
The solution:
be soft using the mouse
When you use this mouse you shouldn't shock him on the table
It now 5 months I'm less nervous with the mouse and I din't lost the connecion anymore.
I hope you find this helpfull