Maybe YOU are the one who should read the entire thread. I've posted in here numerous times. I've posted how I've solved the issue on one pc (because I know you're too lazy to go back and read I'll tell you it involves creating a task to run at scheduled intervals to stop and restart ATH).
Maybe you should also use clearer language. Wiping usually infers exactly that. Erasing everything.
And yes, learn to read, as I stated above on one of my pc's they DID solve my issue. Other ones still have it. But I'm unclear what your goal is here. If you believe there is no resolution for anyone and you're so dissatisfied with Apple, then why bother to come ack here and post?
But for the majority who still mistakenly believe Apple reads here, my advice above might work for some. It stands a lot better chance than YOUR advice, which is apparently to act like a 5 year old and throw a tantrum because they didn't solve your issue.
Grow up already.
Btw, you can answer all you want, I've unsubscribed from this thread as this has now sunk to a level below which will simply get this thread locked and deleted.