ios 6 stuck and Frozen
Both my ipad and my iphone are stuck on a screen that shows an update progress bar that isn't moving.
The download happened. This is in the installation phase. What to do? Both devices are frozen. Scared to force a restart.
Both my ipad and my iphone are stuck on a screen that shows an update progress bar that isn't moving.
The download happened. This is in the installation phase. What to do? Both devices are frozen. Scared to force a restart.
My iPad ("new iPad") froze on upgrade (I waited over an hour).
I reset it (hold power and home button for a few seconds) and the upgrade resumed and finished shortly thereafter.
WHAT A NIGHTMARE. Worst case scenario. Started downloading iOS 6 on a WiFi network at work, 4 hours later I had to leave the office. Evidently that was a mistake, it never finished downloading iOS 6 and got stuck with a black screen and Apple logo. Several attempts to reboot didn't help. Apple tech support was nice, but didn't fix it. Sent me an email with instructions on how to reinstall. I did this on my wife's laptop. No biggie right? Well, 2 weeks ago the hardrive in my Mac crashed and I have no current back up (within the past 6 months). My iPhone has been wiped clean and I have no "real" computer to plug into. I am disenchanted and dismayed.
Well crap. I was all excited about the update...did it on my iphone, ipad and an ipod touch. Love it so far and only took about 20 minutes on all 3 devices.
Went to my inlaws tonight bragging about the new iOS 6 and talked my sister in law to update...walked her through it and it started.
Well, about 1.5hrs later, we forced a restart because it appeared stalled (and wasn't plugged into power source...but started this venture with 89% battery). When it turned back on, the apple icon is all that's there. We moved it to the computer where the screen went blue then back to the same apple icon.
2.5hrs later, same icon and every few minutes the screen goes black then the icon reappears.
Did we kill it? Or should I just leave it plugged in via USB on my imac?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I seem to be having the same problem. I tried updating my 4 through the night (trying to be clever) but when I woke up it had switched itself off. When I switched it back on it shows I need to connect to iTunes. Now iTunes doesn't recognise my device. I have been trying to sort this for hours now! I've tried all the troubleshooting tips including rebooting my computer and uninstalling and reinstalling iTunes but nothing has worked. I have just about managed to survive one day without a phone not sure I can manage 2. Any help would be REALLY appreciated!
I ended up on the phone with AppleCare this morning. Very helpful and the phone is back up and running.
They walked me through the forced recovery and before I knew it, all was good.
I can't remember the right way to force it through iTunes so make the call. You'll be back to good too.
Me too...
Trying to update iphone ios6 on my iphoe 4s I get the screen with the cable and itunes logo stuck for more then 24 hours. no possible to restart. what should I do now?
I had the same problem with my 4. It's taken me over a day but I've finally got my phone back (although I have lost a couple of months of info as I hadn't backed up my data recently - but at least it's working). I posted above and had tried reinstalling iTunes etc but nothing worked. It kept saying it wouldn't recognise the device. In the end I tried this
Once I had stopped and started the Apple Mobile Device Service, iTunes recognised my phone and the update FINALLY continued.
Hope this helps you too.
Good luck.
Been stuck on the same logo screen with progress bar at about 25% through. Has been like this for about 4 hours now. My patience is running thin now. How have others who were stuck for several hours fared? Any luck?
Dont download the so called upgrade... Wish i hadnt it cr*p on a huge scale. Maps are 7yrs old.
Apple is supposed to do the r&d not us doing it for them. They are too far behind now. I didnt pay a premium for apple devices to help develop their software.
New management in apple is the only answere. Cook out now
This has happened to my iphone 4! its stuck on the apple logo screen and hasnt updated at all as the bar is empty! Im without a phone now so im not very happy!!!, If i knew that the update would have done this i wouldnt have wasted my time, its been updating for 3 hours now and the bar hasnt even moved 😟
OKAY... i messed with this situation for HOURS!
more than 24 hours ago--began the 'upgrade' process... awakened to a frozen ipad (stuck halfway through the second status bar).
1. force shutdown to restart (home + lock)
restarted, ipad began the upgrade on it's own-- only for the same thing to happen.
2. force shutdown (home + lock)
plugged in to itunes, started in restore mode (press home key while plugging in data cable to ipad that is already plugged in to computer)
itunes starts--ipad begins the sequence (again) and fails (again).
itunes says cannot complete... or something... error.
3. repeated step two with variations... plugged in to ipad first then computer, restarted computer... and so on... all getting the same results...
ONCE it hit that familiar freezing point and sat there a bit... i decided to unplug everything from ipad. forced a shutdown on ipad. shut down itunes... and then powered on ipad like i normally would have... and viola! it started up with a 'welcome to ios 6' greeting.
--so i guess no rhyme or reason... but it seemed to have something to do with unplugging the data cable from the computer... AND shutting down itunes... AND restarting the device.
Another really bad experience with iOS6 update on my NON-JB iPhone 4. First it prompted for the update over-the-air, and it wasn't successful and gave me the infamous "Connect to iTunes" logo. Reluctant to do the restore because didn't backup for a while. I have to do it anyway, and it gave many different error message like 3194, 1600, etc... nothing seems to work. Messed around for the whole night using redsn0w and tinyumbrella since I figured there is nothing to lose anyway if my phone will not restore or turn on again using the official procedure. Of course, they probably indirectly helped because when I used iTunes to do the restore again this morning, it suddenly skipped the error and went on to do the restore. Though it was stuck at the progress bar at about 1/3. After waiting for 2 hours, I just unplug the cable, restart the phone, and plug in the cable again. iTunes prompted to do the restore all over again. I did, and it progressed further to "Restoring iPhone firmware", and suddenly error out and restarted the phone. It prompted to do the restore all over again....but LUCKILY this time it completed successfully, and the successful update took only about 20 minutes.
🙂Alright I have a nice solution for you.
explorz wrote:
Both my ipad and my iphone are stuck on a screen that shows an update progress bar that isn't moving.
The download happened. This is in the installation phase. What to do? Both devices are frozen. Scared to force a restart.
How to fix this problem
What you want to do is downgrade to 4.3.3 using Recovery Mode. Now even though you may need to use some programs like Redsn0w or TinyUmbrella... I am NOT and I repeat NOT promoting jailbreaking. Then go back to ios 6 and TETHER *NOT TETHERED JAILBREAK* but find out how to tether your iDevice and you shouldn't have anymore problems.
😀😟 r u... 😕 or r u... 😢. Man i will help you out because you can always fix an iDevice
did urs finally get it done? I have had mine plugged into my computer overnight and is now stuck w the 'itunes icon and usb plug' on my screen and no matter what I do it will not activate?
ios 6 stuck and Frozen