ios 6 stuck and Frozen
Both my ipad and my iphone are stuck on a screen that shows an update progress bar that isn't moving.
The download happened. This is in the installation phase. What to do? Both devices are frozen. Scared to force a restart.
Both my ipad and my iphone are stuck on a screen that shows an update progress bar that isn't moving.
The download happened. This is in the installation phase. What to do? Both devices are frozen. Scared to force a restart.
Be patient and wait it out, I've been trying for the last hour and a half.
It took my iPad2 about 30 minutes, and my iPhone 4 took over an hour. Both without the bar moving. After about an hour my iPhone buzzed twice, went black for a couple minutes then iOS 6 came up and is working now.
I have 3GS and mine is stuck on preparing update, i have turned it off and back on once and still it is stuck, i dont know whats going on with it, other people have had a successful update in uder 20mins 😟
It's not moving at all. No progress on either. Again, this is in the installation phase and not the download phase. Why would the installation phase no progress at all?
you should have never turned your phone off
I am having the same issue.
I have a white iPhone 4s. My phone is super hot, shows the silver apple with the progress bar underneath it, BUT the bar is completely empty and isn't moving...
I admit it is pretty unsettling, but I will follow the suggestions above and just wait it out... hopefully my phone doesn't die or not work...
I want to add, that my phone just now started working... the update worked 🙂 [SOLVED] lol
Ultimately it WILL work. It is just that the update graphic is messed up. The progress bar never moved on my iphone, but now it is updated. Ipad did finally display a moving progress bar, but it took a long while to engage.
Pretty poor update process.
well consdering it had only got stuck on the downloading stage when i turned it off and on again it would not have caused any issue as it was simply downloading, same thing if you pause the download on itunes, quit then re-open, but now it its taking its time on 'preparing update'
Paul, what did you do to get it working again?
Same problem, however: the bar moved, while/post downloading, the black screen appeared with a spinning wheel then the bar appeared again, this time without moving. Took an hour to get to the second update black screen has been frozen for an hour or so since. Dealing with iPad 3 (GSM) & wifi.
mines going now, just wait
glad theres some good films on the tele 😝
Update: just started moving, stuck again, and suddenly moved to the very end. Now stuck on the apple sign.
Same problem. Downloaded fine and first status bar that appeared got to the end, now a second status bar has appeared and has remained empty for around 45 minutes. Devices: iPhone 4 and iPad 2.
Just as I was typing that (always the way) my iPad 2 has sprung into life. Must've gone from an empty bar to a succesful install.
ios 6 stuck and Frozen