I looked (with textedit) at my existing com.apple.windowserver.plist file on my iMac (early 2009) with 10.8.2, which doesn't have this problem, so I hadn't removed the plist files.
This plist refers to a file called "windowserver" which is buried in a sub-sub-subdirectory in the root Library. "Windowserver" itself no longer exists on my rMBP from which I removed all the relevant plist files, which may meanthat it isn't a critical file.
I don't have the slightest idea if this solution will work or even if it's safe--I can't test it myself--but try removing (but saving it on your desktop or some place in case you have to replace it) the file "windowserver" on your MBP, if it's still there. You can look for it here:
Also, search carefully for any windowserver plist files you may have missed.
Then reboot and see if the problem still exists.
If for some reason, after removing the windowserver file, you can't boot your MBP, you will probably be able to boot it into safe mode by holding the shift key down while booting, and then you can reinstall the saved file. Worst case would be that you would have to reinstall the OS, but I highly doubt that either of these would happen.