IOS 6 App store crash
Ok. I have the Ipod Touch 4th generation with IOS 6, but when i open the app store and go to search it automaticly crashes for me.
Someone help?
iPod touch (4th generation), iOS 6, Appstore Crash
Ok. I have the Ipod Touch 4th generation with IOS 6, but when i open the app store and go to search it automaticly crashes for me.
Someone help?
iPod touch (4th generation), iOS 6, Appstore Crash
Doesnt help dumb ***
Samuel CALM [b]DOWN!!!!!!!!!![/b]
Hi OscarWRG_7
Try to deactivate the FACEBOOK INTEGRATION (go to settings).. After i removed it to my iphone 4 All apps are now doing fine... No more crashing of apps :-) hope it works for you...
Any word from Apple? I hope they announce what a fail iOS 6 was at there special event on the 23rd, I am tired of them lying "oh it was such a success that our customers fell in love with it, Oh My God!!!!"
Whats wrong with apple?
Apple is starting to believe it's own BS. This is a universal problem with ALL devices except the latest iPhones and iPods.
Apple needs to do some actual beta testing before shoving iOS updates down our throats.
right you are but at least let their poor iOS customers go back to 5.1.1? I was lucky, I went back on the second day but now they have closed the downgrade process! SO CHEAP
is there a hack? Perhaps to itunes?
Hey guys, there is no fix for App Store crash at this time. I have tried everyting and nothing works to fix it. I tried resetting all settings and resetting all content and still not working. I have an iPod Touch 4G and have not been able to get any solution to work.
So, I found a workaround.
Two issues that I hate in this iOS 6 upgrade.
1. App Store keeps crashing when you search for apps
2. The search results is now horizontal (displaying one item at a time) instead of vertical (displaying about 5 apps at a time).
Workaround is really simple. Install AppShopper. Go to the App Store and buy AppShopper.
What do you get back?
1. The search does not crash in AppShopper
2. The search in AppShopper is identical to the old search results in App Store
3. Searching and displaying the Apps is faster using AppShopper
4, You can track what apps you purchased and want to put into your wishlist.
5. When you buy the app using AppShopper it switches to the App Store and immediately opens the App that you want to buy WITHOUT crashing. Perfectly. Now I can buy it and it no longer crashes.
In summary, this is the workaround that works perfectly and if you really think about it the AppShopper is better than the new and old AppStore combined.
Give it a try.
Downgrading is simple, You dont need a hack. Just google it and you wil find the answers. When we post the downgrade instructions here it gets immediately removed.
hmm... thats cheap but ok... I would like to see that! ill go google it again.
Just follow the standard downgrade procedure using iTunes for IPSW files. I have already done it. It works just fine. No need for hacks or anything special.
Don't waist your time trying to fix AppStore. There is no fix for it until iOS 6.0.1.
Use AppShopper instead of AppStore. Search results works and gives you the old search history (vertical results instead of horizontal results).
Does anybody here have an idea why they would change a perfectly good layout of search results and make it horizontal and making each search single. That's very imbecilic, poor devolopers who are trying to make money. And how imbecilic it is to not test the crashing. They're actually selling iPod 4th Gs right now in their stores that have a crashing App Store. I personally went in and tested it. Not to mention how the third party apps crash or close in the background if you use system resources like surf the web with Safari while that app is running in the background. Good example is Yahoo Messenger, it'll close in the background while you use Safari or Facebook for example and you'll have no idea that a friend sent you a message until you actually open the app again.
Perhaps to keep the same search result theme as the iPad.
Apple made the App Store like this just so it would crash on the iPod touch 4g so people would be like "man I think I'll just get the iPhone/iPod 5 because maybe it supports the new AppStore" well it only made us angry and give up hope in them!
Steve jobs why did you have to die?
They should have left it the same on iPhone and iPod but only changed it on iPad.
I hope they don't block AppShopper?
IOS 6 App store crash