IOS 6 App store crash
Ok. I have the Ipod Touch 4th generation with IOS 6, but when i open the app store and go to search it automaticly crashes for me.
Someone help?
iPod touch (4th generation), iOS 6, Appstore Crash
Ok. I have the Ipod Touch 4th generation with IOS 6, but when i open the app store and go to search it automaticly crashes for me.
Someone help?
iPod touch (4th generation), iOS 6, Appstore Crash
i can't use 90% off the apps that need an wifi connection. only work using 3g...
that and the fact the new maps totally suck makes me want to go back to 5.1.1 asap
thanks cyberayhanfor all the help...will start over tomorrow 😉
I just went to the Apple store and used the iPod Touches and checked out the App store, why does it work there? any ideas? it doesn't work with me so im stuck now with 5.1.1 until apple fixes this but what could be the reason? I mean i didn't jailbreak. I got my iPod Touch FROM apple.
Thanks and regards.
Google Maps is waiting for approval on the AppStore.
You can go to on safari and create a bookmark on the springboard.
For wifi issue, well, I have no solution for that 😟
hey, do apple employees ever check this? so far you have been the most helpful and insightful. just thouhght I'd let you know that :)
My last two solutions which will definitely work!
1. Find a friend who has a macbook and downgrade your firmware using his iTunes (macbook). I believe the problems you are experiencing is related to iTunes on Windows.
2. Go to your apple store and have them reload your firmware.
I got the following fix: Reset your network settings and reconnect to your WiFi Network. Works fine here. 🙂
What kind of wifi issues are you having?
arg... if the iPod is so horrible then what about the iPhone 3GS? APPLE DON'T BE MICROSOFT!!
Not exactly sure but same as everyone about the app store: It crashes... could this have anything to do with wifi? I did reset my iPod (not clean install but reset settings) and it still failed to get passed the apps. when trying to download, it crashes. If i upgrade again and then the problem still persists then will I be able to go back to 5.1.1 (i mean on the 2nd day, was it just a window of oportunity) yeah, i did downgrade as connecting to my MacBook Pro is not the most convenient way for me to get apps 🙂 thanks a lot for your help!
I wish I knew the answer to whats causing appstore to crash on iPod touch. Some say its the wifi connection.
Have you tried resetting your network settings?
The iPod touch that you saw at the store that was working, was it 4G or 5G?
I believe the solution is to reset your network settings only and re-establish. Then the appstore on Ipod touch works. The search feature also works too. Others have tried this and worked for the. I have tried it as well and it fixed my AppStore as well.
I spoke too soon. I just reset my network settings and it was working for a short period of time. But after browsing the appstore and buying something to install it worked once but the second time it acted up again. Now its crashing once more.
Changes to the host file requires that you flush the cache and reload it or reboot your windows machine to relaod it. Just updating the file will not cause windows to see that there are new entries in it.
IOS 6 App store crash