As already said by several others but I want to also say it: "YES!!! That worked. I was missing those two files and I copied them from an older version of Lion and restarted. I have my right click on my mouse again in Lion 10.7.5. Till von Reumont -- and Dfhuges -- thank you so much."
I happen to notice, btw, that both of you are only officially Level 1 (0 points) members of the forum - but IN FACT you're an example of the Best of Apple Forum, helping people out, solving problems.
Over the years this forum has been a tremendous assest to me as I've stumbled from one issue to the next: absolutely invaluable or my computer would be long dead and my plug-ins and addons would all be mismatched, my apps asking questions or having demands I couldn't solve, etc. -- this is like having an extra right-hand (for righteys).
Sometimes I've noticed too, alas, there are also @#$#$@#$ here, as in the rest of the world, running folks around in circles or just jerking people off for their own amusement. And how they get their high rating must be some gamer conspiracy of some sort.
So it is very REFRESHING, again, to have proven and demonstrated clear solutions -- and even be sent the files to fix the problem!
Thanks again to you both. You should get an 'Apple medal,' or something because it really is a nice, simple and clear example of 'The Best of Apple Forum.' and such a worldwide evolving library of knowledge and problem-solving is of great benefit to us, Amen.