Hi all,
I have been reading this post for a while and got some great tips on battery life and how to test it and prolong it.
I just wanted to chime in with my findings...
As per the earlier suggestion, after I unplug the phone from a full charge, I power cycle the device.
This seems to mak ethe battery drain WAY slower:
1. Full drain, then full charge (overnight) - I got 6 hours usage and 16 hours standby
2. Full drain, then full charge (overnight) then power off and on the device - I am at 6 hours usage and 16 hours standby - WITH 50% battery left!!
**NOTE 1 - Because I don't get usage stats after a power cylce, I just plug in the power cable for a second after I restart it, that will kick off your usage timer again.
**NOTE 2 - My settings and running apps were EXACTLY the same during the test periods, and I tried to keep the usage as similar as possible (2 hours total gaming, 1 hour web usage, 2 hours emails, 30 mins calls, 30 mins whattsapp) with LTE enabled, Wi-fi connected, in the same physical location/room (my office) so the coverage was the same.
Anyways, my battery life is now more than acceptable. But I have to do a power cycle after each charge.
I assume that this means it is a software issue and can indeed be fixed..
Fingers crossed for 6.1 release...
Message was edited by: ken_mills to add the NOTE 2