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iPhone 5 time and date issues

So, I activated my vzw iPhone5 Saturday. Very much enjoying it. Woke up yesterday and was very confused because my phone thought it was 8/26/12 and 30 minutes later than the actual time. I reset network settings and it self resolved...until this morning. I woke up and looked at my phone and had a melt down because my alarm never went off. I hurriedly got ready and looked at the microwave as I ran out, and it was 30 minutes earlier than my iPhone said.

My iPhone apparently is doing something weird and reverting to 8/26/12 + 30 minutes while I (and it) sleep. It throws off iMessage and I'm sure the rest of the date/time dependent apps, so I've turned off the automatic time setting for now, and its fine now (so far lol). But I would like to know what the real issue is if possible!?! Is it my phone? VZW? Does it matter?

Thanks in advance :0)

iPhone 5, iOS 6

Posted on Sep 24, 2012 12:22 PM

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Posted on Nov 28, 2013 6:59 PM

I am also having this issue, I noticed it today while I was outside and on the TFW network (uses Verizon CDMA, I believe). I'm using an iPhone 5 with 7.0.4, and it will keep the time as long as it's awake, but as soon as the screen goes into sleep mode it will just stop keeping time. Pressing the auto set switch off/on will work to reset the time, but then it will start losing time again when screen is off.

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Nov 28, 2013 6:59 PM in response to Hyperyellow

I am also having this issue, I noticed it today while I was outside and on the TFW network (uses Verizon CDMA, I believe). I'm using an iPhone 5 with 7.0.4, and it will keep the time as long as it's awake, but as soon as the screen goes into sleep mode it will just stop keeping time. Pressing the auto set switch off/on will work to reset the time, but then it will start losing time again when screen is off.


Oct 18, 2012 11:55 AM in response to Mzyx1


I found the process in this post to have worked for me and have not seen this problem since I have used it. maybe 9 days now.


But I did it with my wifes iPhone and it did not fix hers No Guarentees it will help

She is now visiting her sister in Michigan and only has 3g and has seen not issues for the last 5 days.

So some of that LTE thought process is defintly a potential.

now when it does happen the date goes back a month for us that is why I believe the HW clock is not being set correctly.


Oct 18, 2012 12:16 PM in response to Gbrockway

it does take you to the page, but to be clearer

I did the following and the date and time on my phone have been stable for five straight days now. If Verizon and Apple don't get this fixed by November 4th, not sure if I have to update the time manually for Daylight Savings Time.

Settings > General > Date & Time > Set Automatically -> OFF

Settings > General > Date & Time > Time Zone -> Enter your respective city

Settings > General > Set Date & Time > Enter current date and time

Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services > Setting Time Zone -> OFF


Oct 19, 2012 10:52 AM in response to Gbrockway

It happened to me while I was using the phone on October 2nd... This is what I posted

"I picked it up to look something up online... when I woke it up and hit the safari icon it froze up and went black for about 3-4 seconds... When it came to it was the wrong time/date... safari never opened"



Oct 24, 2012 4:03 PM in response to Hyperyellow

I see there is a new link at the top of this page that says "Branched to a new discussion" with the following link:


But everytime I try to access it, I get the following message:


It appears you're not allowed to view what you requested. You might contact your administrator if you think this is a mistake.

Is anyone else able to access this "new discussion?" I'd like to know what's going on there...


Jan 4, 2013 9:08 AM in response to dsword19


I had the exact same thing told to me. I posted my first response intially in the following thread:


"Re: iPhone 5 Showing incorrect Time. Unable to send text messages.

Nov 16, 2012 8:07 AM (in response to jayR02)

I called Verizon about this time issue today. I was told a fix has been identified and will be rolled out across the Verizon network around Christmas. This appears to only affect the iPhone 5.

This is my first Apple product, I am deeply disappointed. Everyone has been telling me Apple products were solid devices, they bashed the Droids, BB, etc... All this hype, the peer pressure got to me, I even waited in line to buy this device.

I question the time spent on this device during quality control. Who and how long did this device get tested?


Here is my reply to this first post:

"I called back in to Verizon to inquire about the patch/fix release and was told that the information given to me in my prior call was incorrect and that this is a software issue that has to be resolved by Apple. The rep even indicated that they couldn't create a case # or support ticket because it wasn't something they could fix.

I called Apple tech support and they indicated that it wasn't an officially recognized problem. I sent the rep a few links to articles reporting the issue and to some of these forum threads. WAKE UP Apple and look into it!!!!

Here is another Apple thread where people are reporting the issue.


Here is a CNET article about it.

http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57535032-37/iphone-5-users-complain-of-date-an d-time-bug/

Here is a PCMag article on it.


Here is a Verizon Wireless thread that reports the issue.



Jan 10, 2013 3:48 PM in response to dsword19

Dsword, I never implied that I work for Apple. And unless you do, your employer isn't really relevant. I may appear AWFULLY informed (as well as a good speller) because I have read hundreds of pages of forum posts on the multitude of issues I have experienced with my iPhone 5. I can state with relative certainty that Apple does not check these boards mainly because they say they don't. I've been told that by several Apple employees, as well as MANY others users whose responses you obviously haven't bothered to read. Go into an Apple Store or call tech support, and ask them to reference these boards. You'll be changing your tune pretty quickly.

I'm not saying that every Apple employee is oblivious to the boards. Obviously they're not, because many of their customers use them and talk about them. However, the official Apple policy is that the boards are... well, not official. They created the boards so that, as the Apple Support web site states, their customers can find and share solutions. They dedicate resources to the boards so that their customers have a common place to talk about Apple products and share information with each other. It is not a place for them to gather information regarding technical support, as you are implying, because that information would not be nearly as reliable as information they can gather directly from their trained employees, through a channel such as Apple Stores or their Apple Support telephone reps. They rely on their employees to perform basic troubleshooting to rule out other options, and assess the problem and report back with that information. If they utilized information from these boards in the manner that other companies do, you would see moderators on here asking the users for more information or to contact them directly. Have you seen anyone with MODERATOR or other Apple credentials, helping users via this board? I didn't think so.

And finally, this description is also posted on the Apple web site:

Browse online support

Visit the Apple Support site for quick answers, manuals, and in-depth technical articles. Visit Apple Support Communities to get help and tips from fellow Apple customers.

As you can see, Apple plainly states that visiting the communities puts one in touch with fellow Apple customers. If you navigate their page further looking for support, you will be directed to either Apple Support Site (separate from communities), telephone support or an Apple Store. I don't have to work for Apple to understand basic instructions.

And I never said Apple was not aware of the problem. I said that Apple does not officially address most problems until they have come up with a fix. I also said that they neglect to share a lot of information with their lower level employees, which is why myself and many other people have encountered reps that don't know anything about this problem. You spoke to someone that DID know? Bully for you. That rep had probably already encountered a customer with that same problem, as I suggested in my last post. As you stated, you can't assume that the experience of one is the experience of all. So, you shouldn't be assuming that all Apple and VZW employees are well versed in this problem and its upcoming fix. If you had bothered to read the other 40+ pages of this board, you would see plenty of other people who have contacted support about this issue and encountered a clueless rep.

And yes, LTE shouldn't have to be turned off and you paid a premium to get an iPhone with that feature, blah blah blah. Anyone who took the time to read the boards has heard this argument enough times to want to puke. I'm not Apple, so I'm not interested in your complaints about the phone. I simply meant that until the fix actually comes, and we are faced with the possibility of a non-working alarm clock, that temporarily disabling LTE is not the end of the world. It's not like you have to turn off data completely. I would rather wait a few extra seconds for a web page to load than be written up for being late to work. (Is anyone else having that deja vu feeling?) I never said nor implied that Apple customers don't deserve to get what they expect, so you can take that entire last paragraph and repeat to someone who cares. Maybe an employee that gets paid an hourly rate to put up with insufferable drones like you.

So let me reiterate, since apparently my first post was too confusing to understand. I don't work for Apple. I didn't claim to. I was nice enough to take information provided by Apple and/or VZW and repost it on these boards, since some of the newer posters were obviously uninformed. I was just trying to be helpful, and use these boards to share information with other Apple customers... after all, that is their intended purpose. However, Apple has stated that these boards are not official and as such, it should be obvious that the information here is not guaranteed.


Nov 29, 2013 8:15 AM in response to Aristhon

Sounds like you have exactly the same problem as me. Have you contacted Apple yet?

My last discussion with them was a couple of days ago. They wanted to check out my iPhone when it was connected to my home wifi network so I had to wait until I had a day off work Anyway they got me to download the iPhone configuration utility and run so the could get a log file form the phone when the issue occured. Unfortuantely it seems to keep perfect time when it was connected to my laptop with the configuration utility running. I even left it connected overnight. However as soon as I disconnected the time immediately went back by 7 hours! I explained all this to the guy I was dealing with in Apple and attached the log file to the email - was expecting to here back from him today but nothing yet and he's now finished work for the weekend.

The green robot is looking more and more tempting!


Oct 2, 2012 8:44 PM in response to Pancake Bill

Pancake Bill wrote:

I replaced my iPhone 5 that I'd had for two days with another brand new iPhone 5 from Apple. The same issue arose a few hours after setting that phone up as a new device. In my opinion, it isn't hardware related.


  1. Do you have the date/time only issue, or does it break iMessage, Facetime and Push Notifications?
  2. Does turning off cellular data entirely fix your problem?
  3. Do you have loads of APSD crash logs in Settings > General > About > Diagnostics > Diagnostics?

Jan 3, 2015 12:29 AM in response to Hyperyellow

Another option that worked for me are these.

  • Simply turning “Set Automatically” to OFFthen back ON.
  • Going to Utilities > Clock and removing the World clocks, then switch the phone off and on again.
  • Hard rebooting the phone by holding down the home and on / off button at the same time (until the Apple logo appears).
  • OR
  • Go to Settings > General > Date & Time.
  • Turn the “Set Automatically” option to OFF
  • Plug the phone into your computer and sync it using iTunes.
  • Go back to the Date & Time options page and switch “Set Automatically” back to ON.

Sep 24, 2012 8:51 PM in response to geekwisdom

Hi everyone!

Yes, both times the phone reverted to 8/26/12 + 30 minutes it had been plugged in all night as we slept.

I have manually set the time and I am hoping that "fixes" it and my phone doesn't get confused again as we sleep tonight. i called VZW and was told they havent heard this yet. who knows? I'm in South FL..anyone else?

I'm just not knowledgable enough to know what would cause this issue: LTE, tower issue with the iphone5, bad luck? lol.

I will check in tomorrow and let you know if manually setting the time made this cease to exist.



Sep 24, 2012 11:05 PM in response to Hyperyellow

I am having the same issue as well. Imessage is sporadic and I keep losing my time. I have noticed the only time that I am losing the date and time is when I am in 3G, which unfortunately is where I live. I am in Southern California in the suburbs of LA and I was amazed that I do not have 4G at my house. Hopefully a fix will come out soon....... If not I might as well stick with my 4S.


Sep 25, 2012 4:44 AM in response to Hyperyellow

I first noticed because iMessage was telling me it failed because of my date and time settings. It seems to only be happening to me when at my home. All day yesterday it was fine. If I leave on auto set date and time and toggle airplane mode it corrects itself for a little bit and then goes back to wrong time.

It seems to be something with iOS 6 and Verizon but Verizon told me nothing they were aware of. Can everyone post up their phone, OS and carrier. To see if we are all on the same devices?

iPhone 5, iOS 6, Verizon for me. Central Florida btw


Sep 25, 2012 8:06 AM in response to J.Felix

Hi again everyone,

I spoke to Apple for about 30 minutes and they are working on it and will get back to me with a fix (hopefully).

I will keep you guys updated. It was the first time the person I spoke to heard of this specific problem, FYI.

Also, Manually setting Date and Time did NOT fix the issue. My alarm went off this morning, and when i looked at another clock, i realized the phone was 30 minutes ahead again. Once i unlocked my phone it reverted to the correct time. It seems the phone gets confused when its charging overnight, for some reason beyond my comprehension. Is everyone having the issue while it is charging???

iphone 5, 32g white, ios6, south fl vzw.

I updated my ipad and my husband's 4s to ios6 and those devices are fine, so I'm not sure it is an ios6 problem.

I really would like to keep this phone but obviously can't be constantly worried the time is WRONG when we live in a deadline driven world....

YAY! (sarcasm, lol) 😝


iPhone 5 time and date issues

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