Hello. Does anyone know the return policy of iPhone5s here in the Philippines?
The earpiece of my phone is broken and when I brought the phone to Switch (an Apple authorized service center), they said that they will diagnose the problem and most likely replace the defective part. Last year, when I brought my 4s for servicing, they said that I would have to pay for a new handset because it's no longer under warranty and that they do not open/repair phones. They are only allowed to repair Macbooks and not phones/ipads.
My 5s is still under warranty and I think it's not fair that they will just replace the defective part and not replace the phone. I asked the guy from Switch what will happen if the same issue occurs once the warranty expires and he said that I would have to buy a new one. Doesn't really sound fair to me so I did not leave my phone and thought of calling Apple Singapore first. I read some posts here and Apple did replace the defective phones instead of just replacing the part/s.
So can anyone please let me know the return policy of iPhones here in the Philippines?
Thank you.