Adding more notes to this issue of white boxes across the top of the screen. This seems to be the only page mentioning it so far.
I notice now that the Notification Center does not pull down anymore. I have done a restart and a hardware restart and the white (translucent) boxes remain and notification center is not working.
Also noting: Phone is white 32gb
AppleRosas wrote:
I've got the same problem. My iPhone starts to show those annoying squares and the touch suddenly acts in a random way. I hope it's just a software problem, because if it's a hardware failure, Apple should create a special refund program for us or something.
Did the trick for me, thanks!
I have the same issue! Restart fixed it the first time. The second time restart did not fix it - however it went away after an hour. I have noticed it happen after the phone freezes on some task (unresponive to button presses) then the white boxes appear and it starts working fine again.
Hm, it seemed to me that the appearance of the boxes depend on the sunlight shining on the display, but I´m not sure since I noticed this yesterday and today there is no sun at all to prove (but therefore no white squares as well).
It happens day or night for me. I also notice weird auto selections (open mail and then it randomly opens an email without me choosing one). And miss hitting keys (on wide keyboard, trying to hit shift selects q? even with finger 1/4 from the screen) messed up!! I'm arranging a replacment now.
I had registered this complaint with my mobile company (Rogers) the day after it happened. They made a note of it. Then after a few days of it not fixing after trying everything, I called the rogers store i got it from and told them my phone still had issues and needed replacing. They saw the notes in my account and without question ordered me a new phone. took about 10days and I picked it up today. My phone with issues ran out of battery the night before so when i got to the store my phone couldn't even turn on. So they didn't even see the problem, just straight replaced the phone. Pretty good service.
I've had my i5 for a week now and this has just started on mine as well, it fades now and again and along with screen freezing I'm not happy, does the phone need replacing or is there a 'fix' for it?
I have the same problem. Noticed it about three days after I got the phone. Called verizon support and they hadn't heard of it. Gave them info about this thread, and they will be sending me a new iPhone soon. Thanks for starting the thread and letting others know about this rare problem.
I have the same issue, it just happened this morning seemingly out of nowhere (I was browsing the web on it). If it's just a bug like I'm hoping it is, I can understand that I guess, but if I need this phone replaced it will be my second replacement phone. I already replaced my first iPhone 5 for having WiFi issues (could not pick up the WiFI even at the Apple store). Now this? I'm really disappointed, and I hope that this white-box display issue fixes itself or Apple may not get another phone sale from me.
Talked to ann Apple rep, says he's nearly 100% sure it's a display issue and I'll need it replaced. I also noticed just within the past 10 minutes that the screen isn't picking up all my touches and while I was on the phone with Apple the phone kept muting and unmuting the call as well as turning speaker off when I had it on. Very random. Ugh, time for a second replacement!
I just recieved my new Iphone 5 yesterday, and I experienced this same problem. After trying a restart and a restore, the issue wasn't resolved. I just got off the phone with an Apple support representative who said that is a hardware issue, and I will have to drop the phone off at the UPS store to be shipped back to Apple. Apple is shipping me a new phone that should arrive in a couple of days after UPS ships out the current phone. Nothing will repair this issue unfortunately, so getting a replacement phone is the only option.
After getting an appointment setup for the apple store where I picked up my phone, I was directed to the Genius Bar and the guy I spoke to was very familiar with the issue I was having (I even showed him this thread). He said it was a loose connection with the display and that it usually can be fixed as you continue to use it by pressing down on the screen (as you'd tap it in everyday use). He then took it in the back and about 5 minutes later came out and told me it was in fact a little loose and fixed it for me. He said the issue should never come back again. Been perfectly fine all the rest of yesterday and so far today. If they come back I will update again. Otherwise I highly recommend taking it to your local Genius Bar and hopefully they will fix it as they did mine.
Same thing here too!!!!! What is the resolution for this? Do I have to call apple? Go and wait at a store? At first the boxes were pretty opaque, then they suddenly became more transparent. But I can still see them. Especially against a dark background such as the lock screen. Is there any official input from apple on this? Is this confirmed as a known issue ??
Make an appointment at the Genius Bar, they will make you buy Apple care right then and there if you haven't already, or you won't be able to get it anymore, but you can use other services like Sqaure Trade.
iPhone 5 Display Problem: White Squares