JannikMM wrote:
If you knew a little about statistics you would know that there is no need to talk to every iPad owner to make inferences about a population.
You don't have to know about statistics, you just need to know about surveys. First of all most survey strategies are conducted across a combination of methods like direct mail, phone, media sampling, etc. This survey was only across one small group and only the person who started the survey knows who was targeted to take the survey. Also, this was NOT a scientific survey, not even close. They used Toluna QuickSurveys which is a free online service open to the public, and no one knows what exclusions were placed on the survey. Only the one person who started the survey knows what the results were, or were not, and even then only that one person could “interprete" the results. If they started the survey with the intention to make Apple look bad, then guess what, they easily could. This so-called survey was bogus in every way, shape and form, and any 13 year old could start a similar “survey” and easily manipulate the results.
JannikMM wrote:
But of course they will not give you all the good stuff in the same release, because then you would not buy a new phone/iPad every year.
Of course not. That's not the point and not the reason(s) why they released the iPad 4 when they did. Bottom line: Apple did nothing wrong.
JannikMM wrote:
I don't think that many iPad 3 owners will buy the iPad 4 since they have just invented in the iPad 3 recently.
Well then thank God that it's not about selling just to iPad 3 owners 😉 Fact is Apple sold three Million new iPads in the first three days alone. I think they're doing OK 😁
JannikMM wrote:
With this move people will be more hesistant with their next investment because they don't know for how long it will last.
Anyone who would be hesitant because Apple released new product sooner than they normally would probably shouldn't be buying high tech products period, since no manufacture has ever guaranteed when new product would be released.
JannikMM wrote:
And FYI Betamax and VHS came out approximately the same time
That's not why it was suggested that you enjoy your Betamax, but feel free to ramble on. LOL 😁