Ill go off andI'm not sure why anyone would continue debating this. The dam broke, the town is flooded, now move on. Anyone who's read my other post s know I'm a Apple fan, but also a PC user. I have a PC, a MacBook Pro, iPad 3 & now trying the Mini.
For those who feel Apple screwed you with iPad 4, not necessarily the case. First, I recently bought a Motorola Droud Razr Maxx. OMG, 4 months later, the Razr M is released. Do I feel cheated. No. My phone does what I need and more.
If You live in the US, your iPad 3 is solid for several years. 3G here isn't going away anytime soon. The big difference between the two, as several have pointed out is the processer. I've compared the 4 to my 3, here in San Francisco fir 2 weeks. There was no discernable difference. The speed while web surfing was totally based on my Verizon connection, not the processor. The screens are the same, size, apps, memory, connectivity, etc.
I have loaded my 3 with Photo Touch, Quick Office Pro, apps galore and I with on my website which I was told you can't build sites using iPad. Eell, you can if you use WordPress and the site I'd on your host server. I just log on and build. Here's what Ive done
I finally got the iPad as these apps are good enough for me on the run without having full version software.
The primary isdue is for this in the UK and EU. The EU is now fully integrating into 4G. Most had 3G, or the equivalent. This issue is while the US is overlapping 3G to 4G, the EU I'd more like a switch. Soon 3G will go off and 4G on. This is what had irked those in the EU. THEIR 3G devices won't whirl on 4G, unless Apple had installed the proper hardware and only a software upgrade will activate it.
That was the car with the early i Phones and iPod Touch. Both had the same antenna, tuner, etc. Its just this with Touch's had to pay for the.