Eddie Strauss wrote:
Not true. Select all the songs you want to add artwork to. Get Info. Drag artwork from your desktop to the Artwork window. When you click OK artwork will be added to each track in turn.
Before you say you can't add additional artwork, you can. For each track that you want to add additional things like notes or alternate covers, select the track. Get Info and go to the last tab Artwork. You can deposit a collection of files in there.
I realize there are no arrows in the main view to switch around. But you can determine which file shows in the individual track by the order it is in. You can click and drag the files around and change that.
I've always used Get Info because it embeds the artwork in the file whereas dragging to the preview does not. If the artwork is not embeded and you copy the file, the artwork doesn't go. I also don't use multiple artwork so that's not an issue for me. However, if I did, your solution is horrible for anything other than a single track. If I wanted to add multiple artwork to every track on an album, doing it one track at a time would be horrible for a single disc album with 10-12 tracks. Impossible for multi disc albums with 20-30 plus tracks.
I also doubt being able to force display of the album art in song view is enough for me to upgrade. I use the art preview to see if a single track has the wrong art. I'm sure the art in song view is one image for the entire album like in Album List view in 10.7. Great, but not sufficient for me to upgrade. Compared to scrolling with the down arrow, Get Info is just too slow.
To tell the truth, I can't imagine any reason I'll ever ugrade iTunes. 10.7 works fine for me. I have an iPod Classic. I doubt if anything will change with it that will force me to upgrade.