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iTunes 11: No more album art preview for selected track??? :(

For me, iTunes 11 is much worse than iTunes 10.

You can no longer view album art by selecting a track in list view.

In list view, album art is invisible — the album art square in the lower left-hand corner is gone. So unless the track is playing, you can't see album art. This is terrible news for people who need list view, like DJs. People like me who rely on album art to remember what an album is, can no longer just click around and see the covers. This was a tremendous memory aid, which is now gone.

Now to see album covers, you have to either play the track, or switch to grid or artist list — which show either no tracks, or very few tracks.


MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

Posted on Nov 29, 2012 2:11 PM

709 replies

Mar 24, 2013 5:09 PM in response to Steve Gallagher

Agreed, this guy is just trolling the Apple complaint forms, if we choose to use these discussions as our soundboard to get our message, and points across to Apple, that's our business, That's what they're here for, this idiot, is using words like Betrayed, and stuff like that, it's a mistake that we would like to have remedied, and Apple does pay attention to these discussions, and sometimes that's all we need to have done, to have things work for the better. Just think about it for a minute, it's this guy says were stupid for downloading music from iTunes, what is he doing in an apple discussion to begin with, just ignore him, Mr. Androids work is done here, he's gotten All of you riled up, Which is understandable, because we do love our Apple products, and all we have to do is file a complaint on his name anyway and be done with him.

Mar 24, 2013 5:29 PM in response to the biggest kahuna

the biggest kahuna wrote:

Agreed, this guy is just trolling the Apple complaint forms, if we choose to use these discussions as our soundboard to get our message, and points across to Apple, that's our business, That's what they're here for, this idiot, is using words like Betrayed, and stuff like that, it's a mistake that we would like to have remedied, and Apple does pay attention to these discussions, and sometimes that's all we need to have done, to have things work for the better. Just think about it for a minute, it's this guy says were stupid for downloading music from iTunes, what is he doing in an apple discussion to begin with, just ignore him, Mr. Androids work is done here, he's gotten All of you riled up, Which is understandable, because we do love our Apple products, and all we have to do is file a complaint on his name anyway and be done with him.

So now you have to resort to name calling? if I am a idiot then you are a complete moron... and I never said you were stupid for downloading. I may very well have thought you were a rectum hole but I never put the idea out there until now. Funny someone said that APPLE did'nt listen to customers when they made this change but you instantly set here like nervous prom night dates waiting for that special moment only to be stood up in the end. Guarantee 6 months from now the same handful of you will be sitting here talking in circles beating the same dead horse. You people are just delusional... and you think that JObs would not have done this? LOL... someone let the cuckoo out of the clock that's fo sure.

Mar 24, 2013 5:47 PM in response to coalxman

coalxman wrote:

We all agree he PROquo69 was the biggest ******* in the forum. 43 pages of communications and 1 ******* , honestly that is fantastic, well done everybody.

LOL So you are going to try to ban someone for expressing an opinion? LOL.. Okay so then I'll just comeback with another ID and the same point of view.. This did not turn personal until biggest whatever started with the name calling. Sometimes it takes an outsider to shed some light on stutaion.. Looks like Im not the only person with nothing to do on a Sunday night. PEACE people. Im done... can't deal with studidity or child play have more important things to do.

Mar 24, 2013 6:07 PM in response to Kim Hill1

I believe that we should generally ignore non-productive posters.

Most of us are quite fond of Apple and its products, and we're just trying to promote awareness of a problem that affects some of the most passionate and engaged iTunes users. Clearly, there's a potential for Apple to hear this and make a few course changes along the way.

Mar 25, 2013 11:05 AM in response to Steve Gallagher

Steve Gallagher wrote:

TPerhai wrote:

Yes, some features like the tagging interface aren't working very well, but it is an Alpha after all. : )

Next week I'm going to suggest they look into how iTunes worked with single or multiple tracks when invoking cmd-I, Get Info. I like having everything available in a tabbed window.

foobar in Windows is much better tan iTuens for mass tagging. I rip on Windows just so I can use the tagging features of foobar before transfering the files to my Mac Mini. The other reason I use Windows is that iTunes conversion doesn't copy all of the tags to the new version, especially sort tags. It stores them in the database but when you look at the tags in the files, the tags aren't there. I keep a back up of my library at work copying the files with Dropbox so it's important to me that the tags are there because I'm just transfering files not the database. This is a problem with iTunes 10 so not something introduced in iTunes 11. Really any versionof iTunes is not good for mass tag changes. Over half of my library is classical and tags are rarely how I like them coming out of any tag database so I have quite a bit of experience editing tags with a bunch of tools. foobar is the most powerful I've found. Unfortunately, not available on Mac.

It's interesting that people who are defending 11 are saying the people who don't like it are being immature and throwing tantrums. The only imaturity I've seen here has been by those who propose work arounds that don't work and get upset when it's pointed out that it doesn't work.

I own over 7000 CDs. I rip 10 to 20 CDs a week. I've developed a very efficient workflow for ripping CDs. Part of my workflow is to convert from ALAC to AAC. I do this in iTunes on Windows because iTunes doesn't always copy imbedded artwork to the converted file. In iTunes 10, it's easy to find and fix the missnig artwork. In iTunes 11, it's a PITA. It's just one example of how iTunes 11 messed up my workflow, one that's appropos to this thread. There are many others.

Mar 25, 2013 11:18 AM in response to Steve Compton

As for leaving Apple, a couple of points

I bought a Mac Mini last year just for using to maintain my library. I'm in the habit of using a computer for 8-10 years not one, so I'm kind of stuck with it unless I want to install Windows 8. Getting my library transferred completely was a royal pain because of the differences in file systems. I really don't look forward to trying to move my library to another platform again.

I own an iPhone 4 and when it dies, I'll probably not replace it with an new iPhone. I can't stand the iPhone as a music player so having music in iTunes doesn't really matter. It'll be years before I need to replace my phone anyway.

I own multiple iPod classics. I've not found a portable that works as well as the iPod classic so I don't see moving away from them any time soon. If they discontinue them, I'll probably buy a few more backups.

I won't move from iTunes 10 unless the new software will sync play counts back from the iPod. A lot of my playlists depend on accurate play counts

Mar 25, 2013 11:28 AM in response to Steve Compton

Steve Compton wrote:

As for leaving Apple, a couple of points

I own multiple iPod classics. I've not found a portable that works as well as the iPod classic so I don't see moving away from them any time soon. If they discontinue them, I'll probably buy a few more backups.

I won't move from iTunes 10 unless the new software will sync play counts back from the iPod. A lot of my playlists depend on accurate play counts

These are the exact things that keep me with iTunes.

I also use Play Count as a main paramater in a Smart Playlist that I synch several iPod Classics to.

It wouldn't surprise me if there were a run on iPod Classics when they eventually discontinue them. I sure would like to see a 320 GB version, then I could keep my whole AAC encoded iTunes library on it.

Mar 25, 2013 12:04 PM in response to Steve Gallagher

I have 240GB hard drive in mine, but that's only about 1/3 of my AAC tracks. I have 12GB free on a 3TB hard drive for my entire library. I'm looking at getting a 8TB usable RAID 5 NAS for both my library and my pictures. I currently have my photographs on a Buffalo Terastation that had a drive failure on one of the drives in the RAID array. It's old and the Mac Mini can't access it so I'm going to upgrade to one big enough for pictures and music rather than replace the bad IDE drive.

Mar 25, 2013 12:15 PM in response to Steve Compton

Steve Compton wrote:

I have 240GB hard drive in mine, but that's only about 1/3 of my AAC tracks. I have 12GB free on a 3TB hard drive for my entire library. I'm looking at getting a 8TB usable RAID 5 NAS for both my library and my pictures. I currently have my photographs on a Buffalo Terastation that had a drive failure on one of the drives in the RAID array. It's old and the Mac Mini can't access it so I'm going to upgrade to one big enough for pictures and music rather than replace the bad IDE drive.

I made the jump to a 4 TB RAID 0+1 a few years ago. It's backed up to a single 4 TB drive.

I had all mi iTunes files on a 3 TB drive backed up to another 3 TD drive. The main drive bit the dust, at least I had the backup. I realized I needed a more robust solution, so on to RAID as well as a backup of the RAID.

One of these days I'll get another 4 GB drive so that I can rotate backup drives and keep one off site.

iTunes 11: No more album art preview for selected track??? :(

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