Album Artwork for Itunes 11
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
Very sadly you don't seem to be able to. Everyone please ask Apple to bring back these artwork features:
If I have understood your question you can but it honestly seems that Apple has given iTunes to the iMap people and said do it again!
If you right click on a track and get info you can go to artwork and add a file but no longer has the simple copy and paste functionality. Also, you can right click an album or group of selected songs and double click the blank white square beside the word artwork on lower left and do same or will let you drag a jpeg to it from a folder but again no paste functionality.
I do like the look of the drop down when you click an album cover but other than that iTunes seems to be so cumbersome now and iTunes has almost completely destroyed the functionality of get artwork by calling a CD any thing they seem to feel like. Even when I have looked up a CD seen iTunes has it but so do I an ripped mine and renamed it exactly what they decided to call it it has only gotten the artwork right once - all other times it tells me I've spelt it wrong.
Truly feels like a bad windows product and not apple.
The get artwork functionality is really an issue with iTunes renaming CD's to something other than what the CD is called. It then says oops you spelt it wrong... No that's what the CD believes it is called and iTunes decided a better name would work. And in most cases going back and forth to iTunes Store looking at the page for a CD in your hand and having to search it every time you go back to the library because it automatically resets when clicked from store has proven to be a waste of time as it will not connect the dots. These are not items I have messed with the data but fresh rips of same cd from same company same year as iTunes item.
I have no idea if there is hidden info codes apple could include that may make this better but the inability of get artwork to function will cost them in long run as it is destroying the ability of the system to connect the in store functionality this defeats the marketing juggernaught that obviously has driven the update.
The other thing that is very clunky is its repeatedly going back to start not where I was one click ago. Maybe there are better ways of connecting a ripped item to their system and surely they will fix that because they loose money if not.
Send you feedback to Apple.
Downgrade to 10.7 until fixed!
Uninstall 11
Install 10.7 (can be found if you look!)
Then copy last back up of your itl file
From: Users\JoeBloggs\Music\iTunes\Previous iTunes Libraries
To Users\JoeBloggs\Music\iTunes
Rename file as: iTunes Library.itl
Then run iTunes
Search uTube for help.
Thank you so much,
I almost lost all hope of the above threads when they all told me that it had been discarded. It's people like you that look at the situation that help.
So Thanks again.
I just upgraded to iTunes 11 last night and this problem was the second or third thing I noticed. I did try the copy/paste method and of course I did not see the artwork appear (in Winamp for example). However, I did notice that the MP3 was being modified. Just for fun, I fired up a copy of MP3TAG and noticed something rather interesting. iTunes did indeed insert the album art into my MP3 but it marked it as "other" not "cover". When I told MP3TAG to change it to "cover", the artwork appears.
Either this is a bug in iTunes, a hidden setting somewhere or a new "feature". Either way, I am glad to see that iTunes is still handling the artwork, just not marking it correctly.
I really hate that the artwork is that teeny tiny pic in the playbar and that I cannot copy and past (or drag) like I used to. I have A LOT of CDs that are not available in iTunes and I need to manually add artwork for them. There no longer seems to be an easy way to do this. Not liking iTunes 11 right now.
Not liking is an understatement.. hehehe
Seems to be the norm for iTunes updates - most album artwork goes missing. I updated album artwork (File => Library => Get Album Artwork) - and this updated MOST of the missing work, however I had a message that indicated about 200 albums weren't able to be updated. I knew these had artwork prior to the update, but sure enough, from the album view, there was nothing. I then went to the song view and right clicked on the song title from one of my missing artwork albums, then clicked on Get Info, then Artwork - sure enough the artwork was there. I clicked on the image thinking I may have to copy and paste, but suddenly the album artwork artwork appeared. What gives? So I tried it with another, and yes, that seems to be an idiotic way to update my artwork after iTunes stuffed it away, but it seems to work as a work around.
Updated info: From the album view, click once on an album with missing artwork, then right click on a song that appears below it and go to get info. No need to go to the song view. Once in the info and on the artwork tab, I simply clicked on the image, then clicked OK - and it updated. Hope this helps.
I hate iTunes 11 but I don't understand why people are having such a problem dragging or copy and pasting.
Select artists from the top, then right click on where the album cover should be (not on a track), click info, click the little x beside the art box and either drag or control-v a copied image into it. It works just like in 10.7
As I have played with it I have gotten used to the new look. I am pleased with how speedy it is. Much better than the last several versions that were very slow and annoying.
The artwork issue I had with "other" does not appear to be happening any more. It may have been an issue with the particular file I was testing. I have found that pasting artwork into the "Get Info" settings works fine. I do miss having the picture in the lower left but the fact that it is working for me again makes me happy.
I will try that in Artist mode. I am use to doing everything in Songs mode which is they way I usually view iTunes.
n2jtx wrote:
As I have played with it I have gotten used to the new look. I am pleased with how speedy it is. Much better than the last several versions that were very slow and annoying.
The artwork issue I had with "other" does not appear to be happening any more. It may have been an issue with the particular file I was testing. I have found that pasting artwork into the "Get Info" settings works fine. I do miss having the picture in the lower left but the fact that it is working for me again makes me happy.
After you had written above about the cover filename in your earlier post I have started perusing some files I had an issue with it showing art work in. I honestly don't think your observation was a random issue. I've noticed all the ones that had randomly appeared blank did indeed have "other" as the assigned art tag when looking at them with MP3tag. I've corrected a few and it seems to have fixed it but now I've found so many errors in tags it's driving me nuts...
I found a way to drag and drop artwork very simply, although this may seem a little extensive at first it will work really well rather than adding an image from your hard drive. Here are the steps:
1. Open iTunes 11.0
2. In the top right corner of the itunes page you will see two arrows facing opposite directions diagonally, click it. (this should make iTunes full screen)
3. Now, right click on the song you want to add album artwork to and press get "Get Info". Now, click "Artwork" at the top of the pop-up.
4. From here go to to your web browser (by either clicking it on your dock or three finger swiping) leaving iTunes with the "Artwork" tab open
5. Find your desired album picture and simply click and drag it to the farthest right of your screen, your page should switch to your itunes (like turning the page in a book)
6. And finally drag your picture into the blank "Artwork" Tab and presto! You have some cover art for your song.
NOTE: This is tried and true on a Mac, I do not know if it will work on a windows computer.
Album Artwork for Itunes 11