Album Artwork for Itunes 11
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
Don't understand the need to go fullscreen. I right click to Get Info and drag the jpeg image into the Art Work box, it sticks and the check mark apears, click OK but the Art Work never appears in Song or Album view, and right clicking on Get Info it's an empty white box again! The source is a jpeg file, converted to a png file, no difference. Seems iTunes is now working like a Windows app where changes never stay put!
I found a way to add artwork to music simply,
Because so many people have had so much trouble doing this I made a YouTube video.
Watch it if you like and leave a comment if it was useful - Thanks
This sounds like the best idea I've heard so far. I'll give them a few months for them to fix all the goofball issues of this new version before I switch to it.
I JUST upgraded to iTunes 11 and NOW I have a similar problem.
Artwork appears in my itunes but NOT on my phone. ANYONE know a fix for this?
To be clear:
ARTWORK appears in my iTunes 11, but it DISAPPEARS when I add songs, albums, etc to Iphone/ipod.
Dragging and dropping artwork to individual songs within my phone (when it is connected to itunes) actually shows the artwork IS THERE. But when I play the song on my ipod the art is MISSING.
Any help is appreciated.
Got exactly the same issue same issue here. I select the artwork. It shows in the dialog box. hit artwork!!!!
No matter how many times I do it. It will not stick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
try dragging the image straight from the internet to the artwork box then click okay. It might be that your converted jpeg file does not work correctly with itunes and thats why it does not stick.
And i know you dont have to make it fullscreen but it bugs me to make the windows smaller than the fullscreen haha
Thanks Kinger for this suggestion, but my problem is:
much of the artwork that I use is from UN-official musical releases and lots of aircheck art (I work in broadcasting)
I also noticed that official releases artwork is also disappearing on ipod/iphone (EVEN when they show up in iTunes!)
Fiddling around in the
Get Info-->Summary tab, I notice that songs encoded in much earlier versions of iTunes are often the culprits. Sometumes deleting and dragging songs albums and playlists back onto device from iTunes 11 rectifies the loss of artwork. Sometimes it doesn't.
Hopefully, as Walt Mossbery repots in the WS Journal, this glitch will be fixed when Apple next releases a software update/bug fix.
The multi-step solution outlined by kinger23 at the top of this thread works, but is much more mouse intensive than the solution that was available previously, and removed in iTunes 11.
We used to be able to simply select the album, then drag the artwork into the artwork view window in the lower left corner. Just two steps. This capability has been removed in iTunes 11 for no apparent reason, and we are left with a much more tedious and mouse-intensive process that is painful when adding artwork for more than one or two albums.
I'm in the process of ripping my vinyl collection and loading it into iTunes. I'll need to add artwork for probably 100 albums or so. Since Apple is supposed to be all about simplicity, I hope this was just an eversight on their part, and the old solution for adding artwork will be restored in a future version.
Please! Thanks in advance!
One thing you can do is while your on itunes Hit CTRL-S and it will bring you back to the old itunes 10 left column. thats missing on itunes 11. helps tremendously
Thanks. Switching to column mode was the first thing I did after the upgrade. Still no way to turn on the handy artwork view / dropbox window, though. :-(
Will just echo in to the same migraine Apple caused with the upgrade....the Sidebar view folks are suggesting does NOT include the functionality described in this thread. Also, the suggestions to do it through "Get Info --> Artwork --> Add" is hugely cumbersome by comparison. Used to be able to select this list of songs I wanted the artwork for (let's say 40 newly imported songs)....then drag the image from the browser over to the artwork landing zone....and they all updated. NOW...."the new and improved" 11 have to save the image to the drive...then "Get Info" for first to Artwork...."Add"...change to location of saved image....OK....then that 39 more times and you're done!
Oh....and Get Album Artwork is not a clean suggestion won't work for just selected files....all or none. And if you want to have unique or "other release" artwork, it will overwrite your images. Music is personal --> artwork goes along with the one-size-fits-all Get Artwork is too simplified to be the only solution.
Really, really wish Apple will bring back the drag and drop function.
(and then there are the other issues, in other threads, that got messed in this count, iTunes Store issues, etc).....
Better luck next time around.
OMG! This is the easiest way you could change/ add a picture to your itunes music!
All you just have to do is click on the music, ctrl+i, go to "Artwork" and then hit "add"!!!
If it is for your ipod/ iphone/ ipad music picture... you could just sync it again!
THAT IS IT! I hope I helped you a lot!!!!
I just sent my feedback to Apple regarding this. It most definitely is the largest drawback in this upgrade. Hopefully if there is a large enough voice complaining about this, it will catch the attention of the devs.
Hey Aubzy: Thanks for the thought, but your OMG is a premature moment. Sure, if I want to update INDIVIDUAL songs, could do the way you suggest.....but the point is, if you are updating multiple, iTunes 11 made the process much worse. Imagine, you have a compilation CD with 40 songs imported....
In the good ol' days (pre-iTunes 11), you could select ALL 40 songs from the library and then just drag the artwork image to the artwork landing zone....and all 40 songs updated. That felt a whole lot more OMG! than having to individually step through: "Get Info" for first to Artwork...."Add"...change to location of saved image....OK....then that 39 more times and you're done! i.e., not-so-OMG!
You can still do it in iTunes 11. Select all (and any number of) tracks, right click and select get info, yes to edit multiple, pick the info tab, drag the artwork over the artwork box until the green plus sign appears (from any source) and it will copy/embed it to all tracks.
Even easier, select tracks, select "get album artwork", let Apple fetch it for you, double-check it's the right one, done. If you want to embed it, select one track, get info, select artwork tab, copy with command-c, then select all tracks, then clear downloaded artwork, then select again, select artwork box, command-v to paste. Done.
I admit that's quite the manual labor but it will allow you to embed the artwork fetched by Apple.
Regarding missing artwork on iPod/iPhone, if your artwork is not embedded (Apple fetched) and you do not sync to your device, the artwork does not get transferred. Either use the sync function, use an Apple Script to restore the artwork on your device, or embed the artwork into the file.
Album Artwork for Itunes 11