Album Artwork for Itunes 11
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
How do I add album artwork to the Songs tab columns like in Itunes 10?
When in the "Album" view, just click the album you want it to apply to. Press ctrl-i and it will ask you if you want to edit multiple items. Just click yes and drag the artwork into the artwork area.
Thanks Timbuktu....and Syberiyxx....that definitely is what was looking for. All sorted out now!
Select All and then right click to get Album Artwork!
Yes, your updated info works beautifully.
I just took a picture with the iPhone, e-mailed it to myself, took it into Photoshop, cropped it, color corrected it, and added it.
Thanks for the info!
OK so the problem is that iTunes 11, when asked to "Get Album Artwork" downloads it and stores it in a folder called "Album Artwork" in a proprietary format instead of embedding the artwork into each file as does every other artwork program on earth.
This means if I bring all my music files to my buddy to copy, he will not have any of the artwork unless it was previously embedded in old iTunes or a more reasonable audio file management program.
The rest of the artwork will be lost and will need to be "Get Album Artwork"'d again, where it will again not be embedded in the actual files and will be only useful to the single local user.
What we need is a system that takes the Apple-downloaded artwork (which is generally of fine quality) and embeds it directly into the MP3 files instead of this currently useless, proprietary approach.
You can accomplish "drag and drop" by dragging the picture you would like to set as the album art into the album art space in the Mini Player mode.
Not sure if my problem is quite the same as other peoples, but i follow teh steps os get info, yes to all, put artwork in box. but when i say to apply the changes it just closes the window and does nothing else, in effect, it won't do what it is told.
So I have noticed that the album artwork that is missing in the origonal itunes window is vissable in the mini player and in the finder. anyone getting this too?
Someone should try a few CD's see if they automatically come up. Do purchased items do it do? If not then I don't think there is really a problem here.. It's the way it is set up.,.
On the itunes page with your albums on it with no artwork tap the blank cover with two fingers on the trackpad and it brings up a list of options one of which is get album artwork....presto.You dont have to drag and copy anything it does it for you.Doesnt work for everything but for most new albums it does.
I found artwork did not paste if songs wer 'wav.' flies, I coverted them to MP3 files and the copy and paste then worked. Popontour
.wav files won't take embedded artwork. Sometimes you get lucky and iTunes will "download" the appropriate image and hold it elsewhere, but .wav is the least best option in general since none of the tag information gets embedded and the file size is larger than it needs be. Use Apple Lossless or AIFF for CD quality rips.
There's an applescript out there for embedding artwork, i had problems with ios7 not importing album covers;
Doud's applescript sorted it for me:
as i know this problem first check songs attributes, if songs attributes is set to read only then you can't get album artwork there, so remove readonly attirbute of songs then try. hope it will help you and ofcourse other guys too, thanks
Thank you for the info - everyone - you were all very helpful. Cheers
Album Artwork for Itunes 11