Where's the Power Search in iTunes 11?
You used to be able to search by Category, Title, Name, Description, etc., now, it's a cluster. Steve Jobs, we miss you, your user-friendly interface people have no clue!!!!
You used to be able to search by Category, Title, Name, Description, etc., now, it's a cluster. Steve Jobs, we miss you, your user-friendly interface people have no clue!!!!
I found power search in iTunes 11 (Mac version). I assume it will be the same for Windows.
1. In the home window of the iTunes store, click the Music dropdown in the top toolbar showing the home icon and the various categories of selection.
2. Select Jazz.
3. In the right-hand panel under JAZZ QUICK LINKS is an option "Advanced Jazz Search" – click it.
4. In the next display, change the Power Search dropdown from "All Results" to "Music"
Voila! You can carry out a power search.
I tried what you suggested Phil1949.
I use a PC, not an Apple machine.
"Advanced Jazz Search" is not one of the options under "Jazz Quick Links". I also tried "All Catagories" but no joy there either.
So, what this means, since Apple does nothing by chance, iTunes for Apple products is intentionally endowed with more functionality than the PC version.
I do NOT like the new search/browse feature for iTunes!! It is very un-user friendly and difficult to use. Sometimes I only know the name of the song and I like to search so I can figure out the artist and album. iTunes needs to change it back!!
Found the search bar! Go to View tab, then choose the Enter Full Screen option. Search bar will appear in upper right hand corner. Hope this helps!
I just found that the search bar does look in the DESCRIPTION field. It does not, however, look in the COMMENTS field... which is unbelievably poorly thought out.
Here's why:
Use Command + I to get info on any track --> click the Info tab. You will see the "Comments" field. Not the "Description" field.
Now --> click the Video tab. You will see the "Description" field. Type "test" into the field.
Now go back to your library and search "test". You will see your selection.
Now here's where it gets even more stupid. That Description column is not an option which you can select or de-select in your View options. Go ahead, Use Command + J or Click View --> View Options and you'll see what I see. Hmm..."Comments" is still something you can view... in the Personal section, but "Description"? No.
Is anyone from Apple monitoring this thread??? Earth to iTunes deveopers...Paging anyone from iTunes... Is anyone still working this month? I guess not.
Crossing fingers for a response in January.
....and no, ariordan32, that does not help. The problem is not locating a search bar... the problem is what the search bar searches.
OK...POWERE SEARCH. I FOUND it wuite by mistake as I am a computer savant! On version 11,I went to my library of Itunes and opened it as if I were going to listen to a song. Where it says SEARCH LIBRARY, type the name of any song you are looking for.....EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT IN YOUR LIBRARY.... Then it will say NOT FOUND and willgive you an option to search in ITUNES STORE, Once you are in STORE, then you can click SEE ALL and preview, choose and buy as you were able to before. HOWEVER, if you simply go to the STORE first, you willnot be able to find any songs..there is no POWERE SEARCH any longer. So much for Apple keeping it simple for cyber challneged geriatric cases like myslef. Hope this helps.
Here is another way to find the Power Search in iTunes:
Go to the iTunes store and locate the search field at the top right corner of the page.
Type in anything you want. Even one letter will do. Press return.
The next page will have the "Power Search" button on the upper left of the page.
Click on that button and Power Search will work like it did in earlier versions of iTunes.
It's an extra step but has helped me a lot in finding what I'm looking for.
Oops, sorry. That solution only worked with iTunes 10. I could not get that technique to work in version 11. Please disregard my earlier post. Back to the drawing board.
As a music teacher, I have always relied on the Power Search feature to find specific recordings. In fact, I use the Power Search more than any other part of iTunes.
If they brought about any changes, I had hoped they would have expanded their site to include all of their international sites in one place. I often have to switch to the UK or Swedish site to find European music which I have to purchase with foreign currency.
Apple iTunes has taken a tragic step backwards instead of moving to being more global.
Just have to add my 2 cents here - I too am looking for Power search and can't understand why they would take that out. I have never owned a PC - only apple products for 20 plus years, and believe me it has been expensive and was very hard in the beginning. Just in the last year I have been beginning to question what they are thinking and where they are going - stuff like removing the Power search function makes little sense to me.
I am just getting reacquainted with Apple since the 90's due to a friend giving me her old iphone 4. I like the phone and features, but there are some serious common sense drawbacks that I am finding that seems to run rampant through the Apple world.
Today my plight is to perform what I thought would be a simple search in iTunes. I just want to find any "free" "sci-fi" "audiobooks". I can search/find "sci-fi audiobooks" and "free audiobooks", but I can't seem to figure out how to search for "free sci-fi audiobooks". I found what I thought was the answer in the "Power Search" option (skimming older post) only to find out via this post that it no longer exists. Ok fine. And I know I can't perform any boolean searches, which I'm not search would bring up exactly what I am looking for anyways. But is there really no way to perform a layered search?
Also: I found the browse page where I can search one "main" category and one sub-category, but this is the deepest search I've found. Is there a way to add another sub-category? Or perhaps I am going about it all the wrong way. Any thoughts?
Thank you!
I found a solution to my problem and it, thankfully, has nothing to do with going to the iTunes store to perform the search.
This won't resolve everyone's issue in this thread, but I hope this helps anyone who was frustrated about the inability to search the Comments field.
In iTunes 11, click the magnifying glass in the search field. A drop down menu will appear with an option to "Search Entire Library" which is selected by default. Oddly, deselecting that option will allow you to search all fields again. Comments will now be included in the Search. However, since you will only be able to filter by "All, Song, Album, Artist, Composer", you can then click "Sort" to sort by Comments and to display your selections better. It's not perfect, but at least Comments are searchable.
Good luck everyone.
I just saw your reply about iTunes Power Search.
In my version (11.01 (12)), there is no search function under Store in menu.
Is is something you can set up in Preferences? I may be being stupid...
Best wishes
Paul Phillips
Where's the Power Search in iTunes 11?