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The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created with a newer version of iTunes

I downloaded iTunes 11, had serious issues with it, so I uninstalled it and reinstalled iTunes 10.7. Now I'm getting this error. Anyone know what's going on?

Posted on Dec 2, 2012 10:24 AM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Dec 2, 2012 8:54 PM

Close iTunes

Goto your iTunes folder

it's either under:

- My Documents\My Music\iTunes\

- \Users\username\Music\iTunes\

(Make sure that it's right one by looking at the Time & Date of the FIle (should be the same, as the last time you closed itunes)

Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.

Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.

Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).

Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).

Rename this file to iTunes Library.

Open iTunes.

69 replies
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Dec 2, 2012 8:54 PM in response to esthermalka

Close iTunes

Goto your iTunes folder

it's either under:

- My Documents\My Music\iTunes\

- \Users\username\Music\iTunes\

(Make sure that it's right one by looking at the Time & Date of the FIle (should be the same, as the last time you closed itunes)

Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.

Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.

Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).

Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).

Rename this file to iTunes Library.

Open iTunes.


Oct 11, 2017 7:05 AM in response to naghi

Hi, Good morning
I do not go to 12.6.3 Why
I'm currently running version 12.7

Translated by Google.

iTunes 12.7 was released before 12.6.3. iTunes 12.6.3 won't show in Apple Software Update. See Deploy apps in a business environment with iTunes - Apple Support for details. If you want to downgrade in Windows uninstall iTunes first. Both Mac and Windows users also need to roll back to an earlier version of their iTunes Library.itl file as described in Empty/corrupt iTunes library after upgrade/crash.



Dec 4, 2012 2:19 AM in response to esthermalka

The removal of the album art preview is absolutely terrible. The new mini-player is rubbish too. Finally back to 10.7 with minimal difficulties thanks to the helpful users here.

I've been stung by an upgrade to Lion before, reverted to Snow Leopard after so much trouble, sensibly have stuck with on jailbroken iOS 5 so I should have learnt to check what everyone else is saying about an iTunes update before installing it, finding out I hate it and wasting a good number of hours trying to put everything right!

Ah well! At least we will appreciate 10.7 more now!


Dec 4, 2012 3:45 AM in response to esthermalka

Actually, there was one very good improvement in 11. The colour icons returned in the sidebar - at last!

You can have them back anyway using a hack but I've never managed to make it work. Will have to live without them for now, as I much prefer having the album art viewer. 🙂


Dec 29, 2012 6:08 AM in response to esthermalka

Since using the new iTunes 11 i really don't like it and the layout is way to big for my 15inch laptop😕 everytime i open up iTunes the screen and the scroll bar on the right hand side of the screen it doesn't show up, I don't know what they have done to this iTunes 11 but i hate it and also the album art work has gone from being up the top of the bar from the bottom, Since having so many issues with this iTunes i have now decided to go back to version 10.3.1 and it is so much better and also i had to sort though my iTunes folder in my muisc folder and i will have to sit on iTunes all day going though it once again to make sure there isn't the same songs and also type them back in again!😠 the last time i done it it took me 7 hours as i do have a lot of songs in my iTunes libary and i like to keep all of my songs and get them sorted out. I am so sorry to Apple they have not made this iTunes update any better and all it seems to do is cause issues and probelms, I don't know what steve jobs would think about this iTunes i hate it s much\!! It needs more work done to it and needs more time thinking, Now i will have to spend 7 hours once again going though iTunes witch will take me all day and night and i am not happy about doing it, And also iTunes 11 cannot run on my laptop as it slows it right down for some reason!


Dec 29, 2012 8:40 AM in response to cheekyrianna

cheekyrianna wrote:i have now decided to go back to version 10.3.1 and it is so much better and also i had to sort though my iTunes folder in my muisc folder and i will have to sit on iTunes all day going though it once again to make sure there isn't the same songs and also type them back in again!😠

the last time i done it it took me 7 hours as i do have a lot of songs in my iTunes libary and i like to keep all of my songs and get them sorted out.

Now i will have to spend 7 hours once again going though iTunes witch will take me all day and night and i am not happy about doing it

Have you tried restoring from a "Previous iTunes Library"?
Reverting to older iTunes software : (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4620251?answerId=20678248022#20678248022)


Jan 3, 2013 8:57 AM in response to mjcm_nl

mjcm_nl wrote:

Close iTunes

Goto your iTunes folder

it's either under:

- My Documents\My Music\iTunes\

- \Users\username\Music\iTunes\

(Make sure that it's right one by looking at the Time & Date of the FIle (should be the same, as the last time you closed itunes)

Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.

Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.

Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).

Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).

Rename this file to iTunes Library.

Open iTunes.

I did all this, but, I am unable to restore my itunes library... please help!

When I change the name of the latest library... again the same error comes...

The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created with a newer version of iTunes


Jan 5, 2013 3:11 AM in response to zlo

zlo wrote:

mjcm_nl wrote:

Close iTunes

Goto your iTunes folder

it's either under:

- My Documents\My Music\iTunes\

- \Users\username\Music\iTunes\

(Make sure that it's right one by...

Drag the iTunes Library file from the above location to the Desktop.

Open the Previous iTunes Libraries folder in the iTunes folder.

Locate the file named iTunes Library YYYY-MM-DD where YYYY-MM-DD is the date you upgraded iTunes (Year-Month-Day).

Drag this file to the iTunes folder (the enclosing folder).

Rename this file to iTunes Library.

Open iTunes.

I did all this, but, I am unable to restore my itunes library... please help!

When I change the name of the latest library... again the same error comes...

The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created with a newer version of iTunes

If it is a repeat error stating file was created by Newer version then Make sure that the file your copying from the "previous iTunes Libraries" folder was ther Latest file created by the version of iTunes that you are trying to run...

Example: You download and install the iTunes 10.6 exe.... a few months roll along and your prompted to upgrade to iTunes 10.7.... Then you use iTunes for the next couple updates (ex: 10.7).

Now you get the dreaded update to iTunes 11... you follow all the direction on how to downgrade
--->How to downgrade from iTunes 11 to 10.7 (Until the next iTunes 11.xxx release)

The MOST common mistake Ive been asked about usually turns out to be related to the .itl file... please read the post I put a link to, and see if there is any information there that migh help

NOW THIS MAY NOT BE YOUR ISSUE.... but it seems the most likley candidate.

From what I gather, Currently the only reasons why people are wanting to revert from iTunes 11 are: 1 They want "cover flow" or (like in my instance) the program just DID NOT WORK.

I hope that you get your issue resolves.

Thank you for your time,


(sorry for any typo's (3:11am... going to ded now)) LOL 🙂


The file "iTunes Library.itl" cannot be read because it was created with a newer version of iTunes

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