@SmallTrader and jwolfers
Sorry to burst your bubble but this battery issue is very minor and not widespread at all. In 15 days there are only 27 pages of posts here, most of which are repeat posters. Considering their are well over 250 Million IOS devices that are IOS 6.1.3 compatible their is a very insignificant 'failure' rate with the 6.1.3 update. If this battery problem occured on even 1% of the updated devices it would be worldwide news on TV, print and tech / news websites. There would be millions of people screaming bloody murder! That is obviously not happenning, if it was you would not be able to avoid hearing about it in the media.
A good example on this support forum is the thread on the Retina MacBook Pro and IR (image retention). There is a percentage of displays from one of the vendors (LG) that shows the IR issue. In the first 3 months after the rMBP was released there were over 500 pages of posts which bogged down the system so much Apple had to reset the thread, now there are another 500+ new pages. and it is just starting to gain traction with a few tech news sources. Keep in mind that the rMBP is a very low volume product by IOS standards, approx 100,000 units per month vs.10 Million + per month of IOS devices.
I believe a very low percentage of unfortunate people here have some unique combination of things that when combined is causing the low battery life issue with 6.1.3..... It would be interesting to know how many people with this battery issue have an iPhone 5 only with no other Apple devices that interact through IOS / OSX / iCloud? Not interested in iPhone 4 or 4S's unless they are new production models less than 1 year old, there is a good chance many of the original 4 / 4S's will have battery issues due to age.