Hello OT
And best wishes.
This thread caught my eye, read it and then went on to look at the App Store reviews. Surprised me because I have had no trouble with iPhoto ( 9.4.3/ Lion, 9.2.3 /SL). Never a crash. Although the sample of the user universe is small, a lot of the reviews are pretty awful --indicating some kind of "issue," not necessarily with the software.
Apparent or possible user error is a factor:
Also noticed that iMovie was being dragged through the review mud too averaging slightly better than iPhoto. Do you see a pattern? Why all the crashes etc.
What's helped me I think is habits I developed since dropping in here years ago. RTM. I've got a stack of MMs -Missing Manuals, including latest, next to my computer desk. I never let my iPhoto Library get too big, creating two new ones each year and separate ones for big projects. Something you suggested, I keep a separate folder of every import and save the photos or scans in Pictures> Saved Photos (alias- DropBox). (Few more steps now with iPad, iPhone, iTunes involved.)
Of course there is also backing up and more backing up, cloning and System Maintenance. And especially I am very careful about what I download and install. Wait for the dust to clear before updating/ upgrades.
I run into users with a single drive device overloaded with all kinds of stuff from who knows where, who complain about sluggishness and crashes with their 50 GB iPhoto Library.
Should we get back to basics or am I just old fashioned 512k.