SVO stated
"User error" is a core source of the poor review ratio because...wait for it...users are not buying and studying detailed third-party manuals and a manual is not originally provided with the application in question because it is considered as...wait for it...being so user-friendly and intuitive that a user manual is unnecessary.![User uploaded file]()
User error is truly a misplaced thought here in THIS forum. I take you back to Public Relations 101 in the computer business..."Go ahead, bang on the keys. You CAN'T hurt it, no matter WHAT you do". Then there is Public Relations 201 from Apple, "Go ahead, buy an Apple. It is so intuitive that all you need to do is cut the tape on the carton, remove the machine, plug it in and in 30 minutes you can solve the problems of Global War, human hunger, and all infectious diseases.
The new Apple Marketing program now has a caveat when someone wants to do all of the above things, "Do you want an APP with that?".
I bought an Apple iMac 3 1/2 years ago with the 27" screen and 1 TB of memory for a very few CORE reasons. One was of the perception of very high quality-no issues yet. Great photo rendering-No surprises yet. and ease of use. The jury is STILL out on that point.
I had an Apple Quantum/Quadra? in the 90's and it had an "ON" button on the keyboard that you pushed to turn the machine on. I can handle that. I LEARNED how to turn on MANY things in my years as a human being so the push button concept was NOT too hard for me to pick up on. So THERE I was in the Apple showroom having just brought this machine and I am doing a "One on One" with an Apple Wiz Bang. (They like to refer to themselves as Genuises-WHATEVER!) So he removes the machine from the box (mighty nice of him) and places it on the counter and proceeds to plug it in. Ain't fooled me yet.
THEN he says rather cavalierly, "go ahead and turn it on" . Of course, being an ex Apple owner I proceeded to push the upper right button on the keyboard...but nothing happened. I did it again and still no action. The GENIUS says to me "what are you doing" Me: I'm TRYING to turn it on. As God is my witness and may he strike me dead as I type, the Genius says in an EXTREMELY helpful tone, OH! the ON button is in the rear. Now THINK about that statement for a moment and you will begin to understand the bone rattling frustration that a NEW Apple owner might have when he proceeds to try to involve himself with a machine that is incomprehensibly complex just under the beautiful plastic screen.
In their zeal to make a mark on the boss as a clever designer these guys sit around on a daily basis and TRY their damnedest to make something different then it was before. But in their zeal to take it to the NeXT level of oversight does anyone REALLY ever question the need to MOVE the historical position of the ON button? Was there REALLY an hue and cry in the bowels of Apple consumers to MOVE the button to the rear of the machine.
Now, I KNOW that it is not practical to use the Bluetooth Apple keyboard to signal the machine to turn on but it COULD be done. Now THAT would be consistent with Ivey's goal of "Hidden Complexity made Simple". Now, if you think I had problems with the ON button imagine what gut gyrating episodes I went through when I accidentally pulled my eMail icon off the dock and it went into never never land with a "poof". Tell me where do I go to get my Apple Ticket punched to solve THAT problem?
Now you guys are probably laughing hysterically at this bit of minutia (is THAT being redundant?) but to ME it signals a far reaching disconnect/problem in the arena of Consumer Computing, How to differentiate one product from another. You don't see IBM and Control DATA going after THEIR customers this way. As you can see my reasons for buying an Apple (good ones, I thought) were made mostly on the lure of the siren songs put out by Apple advertising. Did I GET what I was TOLD I would get? From MY point of view? Or, is MY point of view too pedestrian consumer?
Well, Global Peace is still not with us...and world hunger and disease is still rampant. And SOMETIMES still, I forget about that button being on the rear of the machine. Old habits are HARD to break.
BTW What would it cost to get a spellchecker on this forum?
Darrow...for the Prosecution