I am on a two-week backpacking trip across Scotland. I am writing a blog, which I can only post to when I reach towns with Wifi. Today when I took my iPad mini (three weeks old) out of my pack and turned it on it said "iPad disabled [,] connect to iTunes." I do not have a desktop or laptop. I have only an iPhone 5s. I don't remember failing to sign into the iPad, but I believe it was on (mistakenly) when I put it away, so the motion in the pack, sitting on the pack, etc., may have simulated multiple signon attempts. I have signed into iTunes on my phone and all it offers is stuff to buy. I am in desperate need to use my iPad mini. Is there any way I can undisable it? All the suggestions I've found on this forum require that it be connected to a "computer", which I don't have (at least not a conventional one) with me. I really need help. And thanks.