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How to block emails on your iPhone

Other than bouncing back to sender, or changing my email address, putting them in junk mail or a file, how do I block my abusive ex from sending me unwanted emails?

[Re-Titled by Host]

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Need to block abusive exhusband.

Posted on Sep 4, 2013 9:47 PM

62 replies
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Feb 6, 2018 9:15 PM in response to aminfro

Hi aminfro,

please read my post on Jan 26, 2018 9:17 PM in response to maureen63

It replies on having access to your ISP Website' 'Email Management' under 'Email configuration', where you are able to set up your spam settings. These are, I think from 10 to 0 where 10 lets everything through and zero 'holds' all emails sent to that address. Initially it's a messy set up, in that you have to create a new email address and then notify all your friends and accepted 'others' of this new address.

Once set up you can then go on to your ISP's Web site and assign zero (0) to your spam setting for all emails that arrive to your old address. Selecting '0' holds all emails and it's then up to you to select 'Release' or 'friends' so that only you allow the safe emails through. Those that at not OK select 'All' and then delete them, all from within your ISP's Web site; not your own PC.

You are able to 'View' these emails to confirm if legitimate or not. Viewing does not release them.

NOTE you do need the password to access this function but all email addresses have a password when initially setting up your email account / addresses.

It does need some house keeping 'discipline' but it puts you in control and overcomes that frustration with those time wasting spammers.

It has worked for me. My old address is still spammed from a hack on Gumtree site nearly 2 years ago!

Regards Ric@V


Feb 17, 2017 9:45 AM in response to 109271

You might want to consider starting a new discussion. Since this one is a couple of years old, less people are likely to look at it. A new post would be much more visible. You can link to this one.

Try using a rule. Mail/Preferences/Rules. Sample below.

User uploaded file


Jan 2, 2017 11:17 PM in response to maureen63

hi,i have found it near impossible to block a sender of emails to you on ios,but if you sign in to your e.mail account through saffari ,rather than your ios app,then it is possible,so go to saffari, type in say ,google mail sign in,click on the e.mail that you want to block,there is a small half diamond shape ,click on that ,you will see a menu in it it will say do you want to block this sender ,i found this by far the best way to block .


May 20, 2017 9:01 AM in response to maureen63

Try this-

Create a 'Blocked Emails' contact in your address book, with a fictitious telephone number you intend to block, or a real number you intend to block. Open your Spam email, and click on the sender address. At the bottom of 'details' you can add this sender email address to 'Blocked Email' contact, then update. Now, go to Settings, 'Blocked', then block that 'Blocked Emails' contact. You can add as many Sender Addresses as you like to that 'Blocked Contact' and will no longer receive those junk mails. You can also create additional contacts such as 'Blocked Emails 2' to increase your library if the contact gets too large. Also, periodically reblock the 'Blocked Emails' Contact to refresh those blocked emails, to assure that you are on top of things.


May 31, 2017 12:18 PM in response to AxeBox360

So basically what you do is:

•go on the email and tap their name in 'from' section

•scroll down to add contact then just add it

•then go into settings, then scroll down to face time and click on it

•next you go scroll down to blocked users in 'FaceTime' you chose the person you want to block from contacts then it should block them from email apparently.

•hopefully this helps and works I only just did it so idk if it will work


Jun 3, 2017 8:44 PM in response to Reidee69

Ok- Hang on! I have since discovered that it doesn't work as I intended, or at least some spammers can bypass this method. But, I have achieved the correct method. Here's the deal- any spammer email addresses must be 'blocked' by your e-mail provider, i.e. Yahoo, Google, etc. The issue is, that the settings icon you need to access to block them from is not available from the 'limited' or condensed version of mail available on iPhone and iPad. You must access your mail from a 'full' software version of your e-mail provider. This is done via a 'real' computer, not an iPad or iPhone, but a MacBook or Desktop. If you open your mail from the full version of mail, the 'settings' icon is available, but it is not from the limited version on iPad or iPhone. For example, from a MacBook, open Yahoo Mail and enter your password, your mail is visible. In the upper right corner is a gear icon for settings, select it. Then inside this 'settings' is another icon towards the bottom, 'settings' again. After selecting, a menu appears on the left side. At the bottom appears 'blocked', depress it. Here's where you can cut and paste or copy your Spammers Address to block his junk mail. However, spammers are wise. If you notice, spammers have combinations of email addresses, such as 'Brown Duck', if you block it, the next spam you receive will be 'White Duck' or 'Brown Badger'. Remember, they have your email address, and to be 'unblocked', all they need to do is change their address! To avoid this, use the 'Wild Card' function (*.*) to block All spammer addresses from anyone at that network. For example, if you block '*.*@yellowduck.com', jerry@yellowduck.com and mike@yellowduck.com will both be blocked. But keep in mind, his next move is to change his network to 'whiteduck'.


Aug 9, 2017 5:29 AM in response to Guitjam

So, I have a guy who somehow generates new email addresses for each spam mail. So, creating a contact and blocking won't work via FaceTime. Unless I just don't know how to do it right. On my Mac I run outlook and created rules for any email with his name (fortunately he doesn't change that or subject line). But no go on iPad and iPhone. Any other new solutions since this thread started?



Nov 19, 2017 1:43 AM in response to maureen63

I couldn’t find a way to block the email sender in Contacts on my iPad Air2, I just couldn’t get the option 'Block Sender' up when editing the Sender details.

I couldn’t read the info on the Internet on the iPad, remember the details and then go into the Contact to edit, so I opened up the Sender details on the iPhone (6S Plus) and found that this had the 'Block Sender' options, so managed to set it up using the iPhone.

I don’t know why this option isn’t available on the iPad? (They were both running iOS 11.1.1)


Jan 26, 2018 9:17 PM in response to maureen63

Hi Maureen63,

this is an old issue, not quite sure why its come back in 2018; however the only solution that worked for me was to create a new email address and use the 'hold' facility on my ISP's Web site for the old email address, that 18 months later is still being 'spammed'.

This spam control then enables you to 'allow' those emails that you consider friendly or you can just 'release' them if they are OK. The main problem is that the spammers are able to create a genuine looking email that the ISP's filter gives it a rating of zero (0), and it gets through to you.

The settings on Office for Mac Outlook do not do the job, all these settings do is put the offending (and other) emails in your 'Junk box'. House keeping is then a must but at least this method keep you sane.

Regards, Ric@V


Jan 28, 2018 8:28 PM in response to Lloyd0728

I know you posted this last year, but I just found it. I just started getting hammered with all these unwanted emails every day. I cant believe apple don't make one click block to stop this. but your answer has helped so much. So I just wanted to thank you. It's worth doing all them steps to at least throw it in the trash on its own instead of me having to do every single time. Again, as big as Apple is I can't believe they don't have a easy way to block any email that you want blocked.

Thank you again


Feb 26, 2018 4:10 PM in response to maureen63

I have had the same problem too and the instructions below are not very clear. So here is what I have done on my phone to block an unwanted email coming to my phone. This also seems to work if you have set up Rules on your Mac for auto-replies (the function doesn't work if the emails are being bumped to your phone when your Mac powers down at home - seriously, seriously annoying).

Step one: I jot down the email address I want to block, or hold my finger on the email address, and choose copy. If the email address is already associated with a contact than see Steps A and B, below.

Step two: I open my "Contacts" app and press the "+" sign, which launches a "New Contact" page. On that page I type in an easily recognizable first name and type or paste the email address into the "+ add email" line. And save the contact.

Step three: Open the "Settings" app. Scroll down to the "FaceTime" line, and tap on FaceTime. At the bottom of the FaceTime page is the word "Blocked". Tap on the word "Blocked".

Step four: If you have blocked numbers or emails before you may see list of numbers or emails or both. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and find "Add New". Tap on "Add New".

Step five: Tapping on "Add New" will launch the "Contacts App". Look for the easily recognizable first name you used in Step two and tap on it. The "Blocked" page from "Settings" should relaunch and the easily recognizable first name you used should be on that list. You can check it is the correct email by tapping on the name.


Step A: If the email address is already associated with a contact than delete the email from that contact. You will still receive texts, phone calls and FaceTime notifications, if you want too. I do not know why "Blocked" will not block emails in an already established contact, it just doesn't. So delete the email address and save the contact.

Step B: Tap the "+" sign to create a "New Contact". Follow Steps two through five.


ALL BLOCK: If you want to block the texts, phone calls and FaceTime notifications as well, you can do this following the same steps, just look for the older contact entry and follow Steps three through five.


Sep 5, 2013 5:34 AM in response to maureen63

In some contexts and with some senders, you can block these sorts of mail communications through judicial means. Discussions of legal options and alternatives vary by jurisdiction, and are likely beyond the scope of this forum; please seek formal legal advice for that.

In general, you can use server-side mail rules to delete (and generally not block, nor bounce) messages, though whether you (or even potentially the provider) can access the mail server varies by provider, and mail server. Check with your mail ISP for details here. Some providers have this capability. Some do not.

And locally, you can use mail rules within Mail.app or similar mechanisms in various other clients to delete messages from specific senders. Not all clients have this capability. If your mail client lacks rules — such as the iOS mail client — you can potentially have a computer system — a desktop that can remain powered on at all times — then that system can generally be configured to recieve and delete these mail messages on behalf of the script-less clients.

Changing the email address or having your mail hosted somewhere with access to the mail server are also options, though more disruptive.

I would strongly discourage bouncing the messages in general, and particularly in this context. Just delete them. Move on. Don't (further) engage. In any case, seek formal legal advice.


How to block emails on your iPhone

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