straight talk iOS 7
Recently updated to IOS 7. Data and MMS is not working with Straight Talk. I currently have an Iphone 4S and everything was working up until I updated my phone. Any solutions?
iPhone 4S, iOS 7
Recently updated to IOS 7. Data and MMS is not working with Straight Talk. I currently have an Iphone 4S and everything was working up until I updated my phone. Any solutions?
iPhone 4S, iOS 7
I have iPhone 4S, Straight Talks APNs from, and get no internet data configuration available when I try to use any internet app while not on wifi. Reinstalled Strait Talks APNs, tried Net 10s APNs for tf phones, get same no config message. Quadruple checked all settings, no luck. Have another iphone with exact same Straight Talk APNs and no problem. Both are IOS 7.04. What am I missing? Both sims are about a month old. Is there a way to update apn without the swap trick? I found and lost a site that had a utility program to manually enter apn. Any idea what it was?
Gabriel, I also have a iPhone 4s wiI th a one year old ST Sim. This is what partly works for Put that in to your iPhone browser, the app installs then you use it to scroll down to your choice of APN setting. The one I selected was AT&T MVNO. Both ST old and new SIM settings from this site did not work completely. I've been back and forth all over trying every available APN setting method, including the mentioned that is on ST's support site. Also called ST tech support who were very un-helpful, kept telling me "read your user agreement, we don't guarantee SMS". I am still not 100% capable but have finally got a reliabe 3G internet connection. The service shows as TFW in the upper left, TFW 15.7 in the Settings-General-About menu. I can send and receive texts but can't get or send pictures with texts unless it's with another iPhone, also can't send group texts. I even tried buying a new ST Sim (the 4GLTE one) that I ordered and only got a little bit closer to the fix, think i could receive but not send text pictures. That sim went to another phone that could use LTE capability.
I am still looking for the final fix that will make this 4S phone 100% capable with SMS photo capability and group text to other phones. Let me know if you get a fix.
Straight Talk Tech Support 866-806-1840 said I should order the new ST Sim (the 4GLTE capable Sim) and then use the APN settings tool to get full capability with my iPhone 4S. It's just a 3G phone but will order and give it a try. Hoping they have got some better APN settings available than a week ago. Been down that path once before but will try it again.
My tech did not encourage the Sim Swap method nor the multiple sim selector site that has (old and new ST Sim options), their thing, it's clear that it is for the new ST Sim's not my older one.
Got a Fix and did not have to use a new ST Sim for the iPh 4S with OS 7.0.4. Cut down the regular sim to micro sim using template found online. THE KEY FIX was...using the Sim Swap technique, this opens up a menu that is normally not present in my I phone. Long Version:
Shorter explanation that uses slightly different settings (might be for the new 4GLTE sim?): After weeks of messing with this and no working fixes from ST Tech Support I have finally got the ability to send Texts with photos and group texts. BE Sure to work fast and then double check your settings before you back out of the sim swap....the T-mobile sim I used for the Sim Swap will revert the settings you type in there to TMobile if you don't get in and out fast. Just go back to the top and be sure the top APN setting stayed as you typed them, if not make the correction and back out to lock it.
I used to do the same SIM swap, but with the new SIM from Straighttalk along with their APN settings, I have full data to include MMS. No more work a rounds required. Before you install the APN settings, make sure you delete any old ones that are installed.
I finally decided to try the new SIM cards out and just got mine tonight. Called them up, activated it, within 190 min. it was up and running after a reboot and tried to send a photo via text to my non-iPhone friend and it worked! After months of frustration I'm back to where I should have been all along. 🙂
Finally got everything to work after updating carrier settings, then deleting profile. Voice, data, & mms tested and working... Perhaps I got lucky and the last stored profile was the correct one?
"Any significantly advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic." ~Arthur C. Clarke
I've tried everything but the swap including a complete reformat with no backup. Took it to the Apple store and they told me I need to get Straittalk to reprovision the phone. Translation, it isn't completely activated. They said it was a common fix for same problem with Verizon. If that doesn't fix it they said replace the sim, it could be defective.
Wow! I called Straight Talk support. Gave a quick explanation and asked them to reprovision the phone. It took a few minutes waiting and bam! Problems fixed!
After months of frustration, I finally resolved it a few hours ago. Most of the forums that I found via Google had outdated information. I removed the MMS proxy address and left it blank. I also added http:// and :80 to the MMSC field. I hope this works for you:
device: iPhone 4 (factory unlocked, no jailbreak) OS: 7.1 carrier: StraightTalk using T-mobile SIM
APN: wap.tracfone
Username: blank
Password: blank
MMS Proxy: blank
MMS Max Message Size: 1048576
straight talk iOS 7