stuck on waiting for changes to be applied
Just downloaded itunes 11 and ios 7
Trying to sync iPad with iTunes. process is "stuck" on waiting for changes to be applied
Any ideas?
pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
Just downloaded itunes 11 and ios 7
Trying to sync iPad with iTunes. process is "stuck" on waiting for changes to be applied
Any ideas?
pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
After countless hours this past weekend with this same problem (iTunes stuck on "waiting for changes to be applied..." I finally have resolved it without having to completely rebuild my iTunes library (and losing my metadata in the process). For background, I updated my iPhone 4s while I was traveling, and when I returned home, I was no longer to update music in iTunes (it would hang).
The problem, it seems, is related to several factors:
1) you have enabled "Find My iPhone" in the iCloud settings on your iPhone
2) you have initiated a download of music through iTunes on your iPhone, and the downloads have not completed
3) you have a corrupted Voice Memo, causing duplication on each sync
Here's what I ended up doing:
on your iPhone / iPod / iOS device:
1) disabled "Find My iPhone" on the iCloud settings of my iPhone
2) gone to the "Downloads" section of the iPhone "iTunes" app and deleted every in-progress download
3) go to Voice Memos app and see if there are recordings in the list that may have been duplicated
you can also check the "Voice Memos" playlist on your iTunes library
- delete any duplicate Voice Memos; if some memos are gray and can't be deleted see below
4) do a cold reboot (hold down top bottom, power off, then on again) but do not dock your iPhone yet
on your iTunes:
5) change your iTunes -> Devices preference to "Prevent iPods, iPhones, iPads from syncing automatically"
you can now dock / connect your iPhone to iTunes
6) select "Manually manage music and videos" in the Summary tab for your iPhone within iTunes
7) go to the Music tab for your iPhone within iTunes
- you may see a list of music at the bottom called "manually added music"
if present, select all items in this list and Delete to remove them
8) uncheck "Sync Music" at the top of the Music tab and "Apply"
- this will remove all music from your iPhone
9) if the iTunes sync completes properly, perform a Local Backup of your iPhone (you may need this later)
10) re-enable "Sync Music" but uncheck "Voice Memos" and "Apply"
- if this fails, you have a corrupted memo - see below
11) if this sync completes, change your iTunes -> Devices preference to disable "Prevent iPods, iPhones, iPads from syncing automatically"
possibly optional steps needed:
a) make sure you have a backup of all of your Voice Memos (check iTunes)
you may want to copy off these files and then remove them from iTunes, especially if there are duplicates
b) if your Voice Memos database is corrupted, you may need to clear out the iPhone internal database
there are third party utilities (I used "iPhone Disk") that let you access the directory even on a non-jailbroken phone
b) remove all files from the "Recordings" directory
c) cold-boot your iPhone
d) repeat steps above
Again, this sounds painful (it was!) but after many tries, this is what finally allowed my iPhone 4s with iOS 7 to once again sync properly with iTunes 11.1. This process will preserve your iPhone settings, voicemails, Messages, etc. And, it will let you retain your iTunes library without rebuilding.
Thanks! I sync often (daily?) all 3 devices, and not via wifi. I usually listen to the most recent segments from a few podcasts, so I may just sync my phone much less often. I mostly sync frequently so it updates the photos from my Mac to my iOS device. This problem is frustrating - I wish Apple would fix it.
Thank you so much for all of your brainstorming on this thread. My ipod touch 5 is FINALLY syncing music again. This is the 1st sync I've tried to do since I "upgraded" to IOS 7. Can't believe Apple didn't address this issue yet.
Well, sorry that wasn't it, but glad to hear at least SOME of your devices are syncing OK
As for me, zorking and reloading my entire media library worked ... for two days. At least I got to replace the library from a backup, so ten years of playlists aren't totally lost.
Next thing to try: iChat techs told me to create a whole new user. Luckily, I have a spare iPhone I can experiment with (which also exhibited the long sync problem), so it won't mean losing ALL my personal data.
Well, I had this issue for about a week, then my iPhone started syncing again. It was ok for the last few weeks -- until today. I had to make some significant changes to my playlists today because iTunes was saying that I didn't have enough room for the four new albums and one new video I wanted to add (even though I know for a fact it had plenty of room). It stalled in "waiting for items to copy" for about 45 minutes. Then when it finished I checked the content and many of the songs that the phone said were there were no longer there. When I tried to play them, the phone brushed through all of them, and I just sat there watching the album covers slide on by.
It is definitely an issue with iOS7. Because after this I synced my iPod (that still has iOS6) with all the exact same playlists, and it worked perfectly.
I had heard so many just rave about how good Apple was - that they never have any issues. So I am shocked that Apple still hasn't addressed this issue.
Even after my iPhone started syncing again a few weeks ago, I still kept an eye on the posts here - just in case. I see all sorts of things that work for some but then the same fixes don't work for others. Or some will work for a time but then stop working later. The only consistent things I'm seeing is that the users are all on iOS7, that Apple hasn't been able to help, and that it appears that Apple is basically ignoring the problem.
I've asked about 10 or 15 of my iPhone-carrying friends if they've had any problems with this. Unfortunately, not one of them actually puts music on their phones. They all use a streaming service. It seems that there are few of us left who put music on our phones, and Apple doesn't need to care about the minority.
Final solution for me was not nearly as drastic as for many, and has been the solution every time I've updated (7.1, 7.2, 7.4):
After messing around for days and discovery "lost" music, uncheck 'Sync Music' [this is all I have and I imagine what failed to load during initial updating] and sync my phone to remove all music. Took just a few minutes as per usual.
Recheck 'Sync Music' [again, for you it will likely be whatever most of your used space is] and sync, readding everything. For 520p songs this took just about 40 minutes, so fairly normal burn/sync rate.
All play counts remained intact, as did playlists and track info, no nuking of libraries on my laptop, no XML files, no new users. Just letting my phone redo the last part of an upgrade by adding my files back.
- Dave
Thanks for sharing that - I really hope it works for you (and anyone else who tries it).
Unfortunately, I've removed and resynced my media (music/movies/audiobooks/epub books) many many times to no avail.
I've also rebuilt the library (losing "date added" and a lot of album artwork).
I've also removed all the media from my hard drive, period, synced a number of times, then added it back.
None of these measures worked, but my failures may at least prevent some of you from having to undergo the same hassle only to have the problem reemerge.
At present, my only response (not a solution) is to severely limit the number of songs and movies I keep on my iPhone, in order to shorten this now inevitable long-sync to tolerable levels.
Yeah, isn't that "fast album scroll" a nightmare? It's like your phone is mocking you. At least it feels that way to me.
I've had long sync problems about twice a year since I got an iPhone. But with iOS7, it's now twice a week, minimum.
Given how similar all our complaints are, it's no question an iOS7 problem. The REAL problem is that there doesn't seem to be a fix forthcoming.
Apple just isn't interested in being a media company anymore, it seems.
for the first time since iOS7 on my iPhone4s I have managed to Synch more that two tracks ... managed 1176 tracks and one video... #Joy. Did it by again setting synch to manual again (although this is my normal setting), and allowing iTunes to think I wanted to clear all music. tunes and video.
But before I got too excited the synch process:
1. Still missed out random tracks, that I can happily play in iTunes
2. Tried to synch again to fee up a little space and it did not neither remove nor add tracks
3. Again on random tracks it thought it would synch without the album artwork
Please Apple fix iOS7
The synch of my mini iPod from the same library & iTunes works every time.
Running iTunes on Win8.1
The irregular track syncing is exactly what several of us are experiencing
Thank you for posting this issue; I'm on a MacBook, so we at least know it's definitely an iOS7 issue, cross-platform.
One hopes that means it's more likely to be fixed
Have been having this problem on an earlier iPhone 4s and a New iPhone 5s, just purchased today. Called Apple. Turned out problem was I had a different ICoud account on my iPhone from account on my computer. Made the account on my iPhone the same as on my computer (the account I used to purchase music and apps), and everythiing worked fine. Have to say Apple could not have been more helpful.
Just to be clear: it is critical that we all continue to document our specific problems and attempted fixes on this thread.
Engineers have been alerted to this thread, which probably gives them plenty of useful information already.
More specifics from all of us can only help them ID the issue.
this solved my problem. Just make sure that you that all your purchases from the iDevise have been transferred to your iTunes library in your computer before doing this. Just compare the number of songs in your iDevice and your iTunes Library.
After doing the above, just answer Yes when asked if you want to erase all the songs on your iDevice. Yes also to the questions if you want to replce the current library on your iDevice.
Thanks L3nn1n
Just to add that I've tried most of the solutions here (rebuilding library etc) and most did not work. It has been solved by me deleting all the songs on my iPad (from Settings / General / Usage / Music) *and* the empty playlist shells left behind (from music app, by long hold on playlist name) and then syncing after that. God knows it took a lot of fiddling though, and who knows, it'll probably occur again...
I tried to remove Xmas songs and add new songs to my iPod Touch today. Once again, it got jammed
at "waiting for changes to be applied".. I restored several times and it simply won't work.
Apple: please fix this bug in iOS7. There were no problems with sync with music, photos etc.
with iOS6. Thousands of users are experiencing the same problem when trying to sync
large quantities of content.
No question it's multifaceted, and not every solution will work.
In fact, I've attempted every solutuon posted so far (other than the Windows-specific ones) and they've all, eventually, failed.
That's why it's critical we all keep posting; the more specific we can get, the better equipped Apple's engineers will be to address this problem.
As for me, here's my latest: an AppleCare tech walked me through uploading my personal info (contacts & calendars) to iCloud, wiping my iPhone (uh-GAIN), and restoring from the cloud.
This was mainly to get rid of my increasingly huge "Other" storage (which consists, I suspect, of all the songs and movies that become inaccessible during these long syncs). It got rid of the "Other" just fine, and I've had no long syncs since then, either.
Now, that was only three days ago, so I'm far from convinced that I'm "cured." But at least it's one more thing some of us can try, if so inclined.
stuck on waiting for changes to be applied