There is a moral to this story...until an appreciable amount of time has passed (whatever that is), WAIT until doing an Apple software/firmware upgrade. Apple no longer can claim a spot on Mt. Olympus and as much as I enjoy their products, regrettably, in the future I will need to consider other brands that do an equal, or better job. They will be hammered for months, if not years, over this debacle and rightfully so. I would caution Apple not to exacerbate the situation by "blaming" it on the consumer and his/her network, etc. In reviewing some of the posts it's clear they are already trying to apportion blame. Funny how a system "works" for days, weeks and months, and then during an Apple designed update massive amounts of units fail. There must be huge number of networks that failed at that exact moment. Many of us were born at night, but it certainly wasn't last night.
My suggestion to Apple: if the silly little USB cable to iTunes inconvenient solution doesn't work, regardless of the location of their customer is this world, offer a new, upgraded unit with all postage paid by Apple including return of the affected ATV. It will be a hit to Apple, but "may" restore a modicum of faith we have had in the Company and their products.
<Edited By Host>