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I can't get ios7 on my ipod touch


I have tried getting ios7 on my ipod so I went to setting then to general and the to software update, it said cheaking for updates and the it stop loading and said iOS 6.1.3 Your software is up to date! what can i do someone help!!!!

iPod touch (4th generation), iOS 6.1.3

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 10:58 AM

Question marked as Best reply

Posted on Sep 27, 2013 7:03 PM

Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do. IPod 4th gen cannot install iOS7, since it does not have the technical capability to handle iOS 7. That's why you're getting the "your software is up to date" message.

164 replies

Sep 13, 2014 3:34 AM in response to teeperrotto

As already mentioned, I'm not bothered about IOS7 - my concern is that more and more apps stop working because they need IOS7. Yes it might be the app producer - but one is actually from Apple!

And an interesting point about the iPhone 4. When IOS8 comes out it will not work on the iPhone 4, but why? I have a 16gb (less than 2 years old), IOS8 will work on an iPhone 5 with 8gb so the memory argument doesn't stand up

Nov 1, 2014 9:47 AM in response to marchthefirst

Indeed, they cannot. But I think what those guys are complaining about is the way that Apple is forcing all the people that bought their stuff to buy their new stuff and give them more and more of their money every single time they come with a new release. But when they do, they make sure many apps will not support the earlier versions anymore, so you are not able to use them on your device. Is that the way Apple likes to thank their customers for purchasing their devices? Thing is that when you want to be able to work properly with your Apple device, you have to buy a new one like every single year because Apple always makes little renewed thingies to slightly force you to do so. I think that to be unfair, and I think Apple is not trying to make proper devices, or to make customers happy, but just to make as much money as possible in as little time as can be. That's what I really dislike about Apple, and the reason why I still do not have an Iphone, because when I would have done so a couple of years ago, I would probably have the Iphone 4 or 4S right now, which is made useless by Apple when they came out with 5, 5S and now 6 just a little later.

Nov 14, 2014 1:40 PM in response to Apple.sander

(edited again after removal of earler version) apple fans please consider some facts. apple was selling ipod touch 4g's new last year. they've now put out a new os that can't be loaded/run on these devices a year later. then they force developers (to allow them to be featured in itunes at all) to only develop apps that work in ios 7. then it makes your previously paid for and loaded apps disappear. your app is 'upgraded' to a version that you can't run. you cant get earlier versions of the app.

ios 6 runs its apps just fine - so why would there not be remaining versions that would remain running and stable - just because you go to ios7 doesnt' change what's working fine, does it? so a new version for ios7 comes out - and poof all earlier versions are gone?

there is no reason new apps need ios 7 except apple makes them develop for it exclusively - so you increasingly are left with only the option to buy a new device - that you don't need.

all versions of apps for older android os versions are out there to be gotten and continue to be viable if you're running an older android os. when a new android os comes out - it doesn't kill the functionality of older apps that are working - you can still get them in their older form and run/reload them.

i am typing this to you now on a blazing fast 4GB ram windows xp machine i built myself in 2007 - with windows xp purchased for another computher in 2002. i can run EVERYTHING. firefox blazes. chromecast, thunderbird, google everything. i suppose i will have to go to ubuntu or something to be able to run my turbo tax next year - i anticipate it won't run on xp anymore - or i'll figure a way to run it in a web/virtual platform.

my pc is stable and problem free has been for years - and fixable and customizable and upgradable with XP 12 years on(sp2 and sp3 added along the way). as is my older android smart phone. so don't give me this stuff about 'the older device can't run the new ios, technology moves on, it's not why these perfectly good ipod touch 4g's suddenly are becoming obselete when an ios 7 is put out that won't run on them. to sell you something that a year later - or heck a month later - you tell me won't work on what you're making developers put out is not good customer service. you think it makes you cool to have the latest device you just paid $500 for? please.


Nov 14, 2014 4:08 PM in response to applewantsallyourmoney

You have made many many errors in your comment. Many of them are integral to propping up you misguiding conclusion. I would like to correct your errors.

Your first, and most egregious, error was to say that Apple has remove apps or "upgraded" them to versions that can't run. This is an outright lie. When I get an app that can't run on iOS 6, Apple simply informs me of this and gives me the latest version of the app that supports iOS 6. When an app gets an update that doesn't support iOS 6, the app is not updated. You said that Apple prevents developers from creating apps that run on iOS 6. This is not true. You can go on the App Store and check for yourself. Many apps still support iOS 6.

You also said that iPod touch 4 was being sold last year. While this is true, it leaves the wrong impression. iPod touch 4 was being sold last year, but iPod touch 5 has been on the market since 2012. Anyone who bought an iPod touch 4 last year knew they were buying an old device. Speaking of old, you should know that iPod touch 4 was released in 2010. That's 4 years ago. It was first sold running iOS 4, and was updated to run 3 new operating systems. That puts your comment about "being sold last year" in perspective.

3rd, you said that your PC from 2007 is upgradable and still runs well. That is good for you, but it's relevance is questionable. Computers will always be more upgradable than pocket computers. Many Macs from long before 2007 still run very well.

4th, you said that iPod touch 4 is still "perfectly good" and that it would be ridiculous to say that it can't run new software. Well, while the iPod touch 4 was good for its time, but it only runs 256MB of RAM. The iPod touch 5 runs 512 MB, a great improvement. Even the iPod touch 5 has some trouble running the the latest software (iOS 8) up to speed.

While I agree that it is disappointing that the iPod touch 4 can't run iOS 7, it is by no means a conspiracy of planned obselescance. I know you will probably write me off as some Apple fanboy or apologist, but you are an even more doggedly idiological creature. You are an Apple hater, and before you write me off for being a fanboy, you should get your facts straight.

Nov 15, 2014 3:05 AM in response to theskyisblue

I've posted before about this, my problem is I bought an iPod touch 4 (from an Apple store) just before the 5 was launched. I asked if it was worth waiting and was told the 4 would do everything I needed.

I don't mind running IOS6, but a number of apps no longer work - I will see in App Store that there is an update for an app, try to take it & get error "this requires IOS7". The app then no longer works. If I ignore the update, some apps then tell me I need to update, but can't because it needs IOS7

Whilst many apps support IOS6, an increasing number do not, Apple will blame the app developer who in turn will blame Apple

I'm not against Apple products, but do not feel they treat customers as well as they could - I went back to the Apple store & they told me I needed to buy a new iPod!

My wife has an iPhone 4, it runs IOS7 - how long before apps need IOS8 to continue working?

Nov 16, 2014 7:09 AM in response to theskyisblue

the relevancy of my 7.5 yr. old xp machine is that while software continued to advance and technology and ram and speed continued to advance, I' always able to run them on my xp machine - whether it's the newest, fastest, or not (which it now is not). it's clear Apple is not allowing this to happen with all of their machines/devices - because it would cut into sales of their newest toy.

doubling the ram on the ipod 5g from the 4g is great and will allow more/better/faster - but it's ridiculous to encouage/cajoe/require or whatever the process is - that makes developers release apps to come out only for the new ios - or get suddenly 'optimized' for the new ios and the older versions disappear if you might need to reload them - when they would run fine on the older ios and previous model - if they were allowed to. it's one thing to want an ipod 2g (which i have) to run all the latest and greatest - obviously it can't - no camera, ram/cpu, etc. - but a device being made and sold a year ago should have several os iterations before it is left out - after it is not sold new by apple anymore. at least 3-4 years after that.

any developer would want their app to run on as many devices as possible - there's no reason it would come out as an ios7 only app - exccept that apple wants to make it all the more difficult to use their older models - and want you to continue to shell out for the newest. don't tell me about 'too costly to support', 'can't run the new optimized app', blah blah blah. b.s. new stuff may run faster/better/more optimized on a newer ram intensive os - but you don't shut out recent relevant devices - if it runs just fine, let it keep running new ios or not - let the user decide what 'experience' they want (lol - i love that an excuse is given that apple shuts out your one model older device because they wouldn't want you to have a bad 'user experience'- ha that's rich. no worse experience than premature monopoly forced obsolecense). but the reason you do shut out a one model ago older device - is if you want to fool/market people into bailing on their $200 ipod 4g investment and get them to fork over more of their hard earned money to apple for a newer ipod before they need one.

the relevance is my 12 year old xp software churns on my 7.5yr old pc. there was no software made or released for windows from 2002 to may 2014 that wouldn't run on XP - whatever your machine, ram, cpu, etc. that's all you need to know. Android is similar - almost everything will still run on older android OS - for a number of years after - and old versions of everything are still viable and out there - not locked down by apple in the apple store.

apple - leave stuff alone - embrace all your customers, new, old, repeat, or less often able to repeat - and you'll find you'll do better.

Nov 16, 2014 8:03 AM in response to applewantsallyourmoney

Hey Applewant... (name to long to type). Nice rant. Some of what you write I agree with... And then there's the rest of it. I agree that a device should last forever, but we both know, all things get old and wear out, and at some point die. Personal electronic "toys", (and the iPod is an expensive toy) whether made by Apple or a competitor were never meant to last forever, there hardware was never made to be upgraded, and repair service is spotty at best in most cases. The fact that the software is upgradable, is somewhat pleasing. Personal electronic devices are made to have a 2 maybe 3 year user life. You argue that these devices are unusable after a couple of years, there are plenty of users with iPod's 1 thru 4 still using them many years past there so called function life. Planned obsolesce is a real thing, all company's, (even Windows and Microsoft-- need I remind you XP is no longer supported), engage in the practice, it's how the company's stay in business! Look, I understand your frustration, but we are users like your self, if you wish to launch an attack at Apple go to Contact Us and leave your comments there. But please stop using the forums to air your complaints, it's not what the forums were designed for. Cheers.

Dec 16, 2014 7:29 AM in response to pradeep venkat

As I've commented before, I'm not that worried about IOS7 (or 8) just for any features. My gripe is that every month more apps stop working because they need IOS7 or later

When I last syncd my iPod there were 16 apps (some free, some purchased) because they need "a newer version of iPod software" including some commonly used ones like PayPal and Adobe Reader - which impact on others

The app suppliers blame Apple, Apple blame the app suppliers

All I know is my 2 year old iPod is losing features all the time.

How long before this starts happening on the iPhone 4 which cannot run IOS8?

Dec 16, 2014 8:26 AM in response to pradeep venkat

It is the RAM not the A4 processor on the 4G that prevents updating to iOS 7. The iPhone 7 has the same A4 processor but 512 MB of RAM compared to 256 for the 4G iPod.

pradeep venkat wrote:

ya frnzzz realy the ipod 4thg its not supported for ios7on ipod 4tg........😎because it's RAM was to low..& the the process to...it's a A4 chip.....so its not support on ipod4th... (y)

I can't get ios7 on my ipod touch

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