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Ios7 problems, safari crashes

This new iOS 7 has ruined the whole ipad experience for me. I use this as a browser, email tool and music library. The browser randomly crashes on a very frequent bases, some times a page opens and other times the same page crashes safari and I have to relaunch. The browser seems sluggish I feel like I just took a giant step backwards. Email is clunky and slow to respond, requires multiple touches to change folders. Music sound terrible, has hangs in sound and generally sounds glitchy. Not at all enjoyable.

I wish I had just kept dismissing the pop up asking me to update.

If you asked me a week ago about the ipad I would have told you it was great. If it was lost or stolen I would run out that day and buy a replacement. Ask me now and I would say good riddance.

Apple really blew it on this one, they took an excellent product and turned it into a frustrating pile of hardware. If ios7 was not intended for the ipad 2 why are their servers pushing it out to devices that they should not.

I have searched and found that I am not alone in these problems but have not seen any solutions.

iPad 2, iOS 7

Posted on Oct 1, 2013 8:22 AM

471 replies

Nov 15, 2013 1:01 PM in response to Steve Kornreich

This was my first experience with any apple device. I was given it as a special present. First one was stuck on the configuration screen and an hour on the phone support got it going via the PC windows iTunes. then I noticed peculiar crashes out of both Safari and Chrome. done many resets to as "new" but problem browsing continues. Also noted that big PDF documents could also crash iBooks etc even when sent to iPad via email. just collected replacement iPad but find exactly the same problem. I am using www.neff.co.uk as my test site and try downloading their oven catalogue. Fails every time. But the replacement iPad was supplied with iOS 6.1.3 this worked on the neff download. Restore required an upgrade to iOS 7.0.4 - result now crashes Safari consistently on that site. I will give the phone support one more try then it is face to face and either they can demonstrate a fix or I want my money back for an Android device. Will others please post the web sites that consistently induce crashes of their browsers. For example www.neff.co.uk/request-a-brochure.html .


Nov 17, 2013 7:28 AM in response to Jase4yaz

Spent ages last night on the phone to apple. Having persisted I got put on to their "sipervisor" as I had said I wanted my money back so that I could go out and buy a tablet that works using Windows or Android. I was given a lot of pressure about ways of getting round the problem such as browsing on a Windows PC and sending the documents (PDF) by email to my iPad and the suggestion to convert the PDF to RTF so that Safari could read it correctly. I have run the memory test anf mine crashes out consistently at 40 meg. BUT My issue is that Safari has bugs in it that can not render some PDF files and crashes in the attempt. I am persisting in getting my money back to buy possibly the Sony Z tablet or a Nexus as I think I have demonstrated that the iPad with iOS7 is not fit to be sold as a web browsing device.

Nov 17, 2013 8:05 AM in response to wildwestpat

I returned my 2nd iPad Air and case to the apple store. i finished with iPad until these issues get fixed.

So I walked down the the Microsoft Store and purchased a new Surface 2 which i amrunning nght now.

is it as nice as an Air? of course not, yet does it work and fit my needs? yes.... web, email, facebook and you rube all work perfectly.

I am also testing out the mew HP Omni 10 better form factor then Surface 2 yet the screen is not as nice as Surface.

Nov 17, 2013 2:26 PM in response to H2oplayer

Just talked to Apple senior advisor Darren and gave him all my info. Crashes on iPad Air. iPad 4 and replacement iPad 4' even after restoring as new devices, and occasionally iPhone 5. Told him names of at least two support forums.

He gathered diagnostics off my device. He asked questions, but we did not talk about fixes.

He said it couldn't be anything but a software issue. I said "for sure?"

He said he was sending it up to his engineers and would play with it on his iPad mini and 2.

I think he gets it. We'll see if the engineers do.

Nov 18, 2013 5:05 AM in response to Essen68

Since Safari crashes every time during the down load of PDF documents from a few web sites and the crash reports indicate failing at differing steps(using the same file) in the report. The same PDF files fail when sent via iTunes and email. This has made me think about what Safari actually does. It looks as if that Safari software is the iPads only means of rendering the PDF into screen readable graphics. Started to look on the web for PDF and iPad related issues. Found the suspect PDF documents could be opened provided suitable Apps were added to the iPad. This I suggest goes a long way to proving Safari software is defficient and Apple need to either fix it or alow third- party developers into the Apple garden to sort out the mess. During this probing I think Safari when it crashes does not release memory correctly.

All this must have been known to the software developers in Apple if they ran even the simplest of tests given that Safari is responsible for all document translation into display format. Guess any Beta testing was either ignored or was done by beguiling the testers with the fancy screens, icons etc so that they missed trying the iOS7 in real life scenarios OR were the Beta testers Apply empolyees and hence intimidated??????

Please can others try using an App from the Apple store that down loads PDF files (Downloader lite and Adobe PDF reader) put in the URL and see what happens. The file crashes on mine but can be downloaded then rendered in the free App by Adobe - PDF reader. I have done this for both a factory reset to new and with various backed up resores and it works every time. This is a long winded approach and is not a work around but does point the finger at Apple's NON compliance with industry standard on rendering PDF document to screen and not releasing memory correctly after crashing.

I am still waiting for Customer Services to call. I thing my next move is to take leagal action as the device is unfit for the purposes for which it is sold. However I still like the experience of drawing on the iPad which remains better than the alternatives in Android or Windows.

Message was edited by: wildwestpat - minor spelling mistakes

Nov 18, 2013 12:25 PM in response to H2oplayer

After a copule of days of troubleshooting, I've discovered the issue in our case. The issue lies in the CSS. we had the folloowing:

div {

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;


Which applies that to all the divs on the page - apparently this is too much for safari to handle now. We commented it out and we're good to go. You can also scope it more directly to only be:

.nav-bar div {

-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;


etc, as long as it's not applying it to everything.

Hope this helps someone!

Nov 18, 2013 1:00 PM in response to psmyth

I'm guessing this will affect a large number of sites since the backface-visibility was historically used to fix some oddness in iOS6 rendering on safari. I imagine it won't crash on all sites, but it would depend on how many elements the style had to applied to, in our case there were hundreds of divs, a site with only one div, however, maybe fine with that scoping. In our case, most of our users are already on iOS7. It generally fixed som flashing and flickering that used to happein iOS 5/6 which we really aren't concerned with as much as iOS7 crashing 🙂

I'll be letting apple know here shortly. Thanks!

Ios7 problems, safari crashes

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