I have the 32g space grey 5s. Got it less than two weeks ago. Same issues as everyone else. No one can hear me, I sound garbled/muffled, etc. etc... I took mine into Verizon Wireless today and the woman in front of me in line got up to the counter and said the exact same thing. I chimed and explained that I was having the same problem.
The Verizon person said he would try the following:
1. Reset the network settings - if this doesn't work, come back in 24 hours
2. Reset phone to factory settings if this doesn't work, come back in 24 hours
3. Exchange for a new phone.
So far we've tried step one and it hasn't been successful. So I guess I'll go in for step two tomorrow and so on. But resetting the network settings is at least something you can try on your own if you think it will help.
Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings