Hi all,
I'm on my third iPhone 5S, and my problems persist. They echo what has already been said here, but I'll give my specifics.
People tell me I sound muffled and far away when i am talking on the handset, but not on speaker phone. The problem doesn't occur if i plug in any kind of headset, even one without a mic, which would, I think, use the same mic we all suspect is faulty.
My voice almost always goes out if the phone is upside down, as when I am lying back in bed. Solution? Don't talk on the phone when you're in bed.
this third phone is two days old. I started as a new device and redownloaded apps fresh from the purchased items, and no fix. I started the device as a new device again, and am running appless. Still, it seems I have the issues. I haven't talked to enough people to judje any results.
I am using VoiceOver accessibility for blind users. Tripple clicking the home button to turn VO off does nothing to improve call quality.
Apple store genious appointments reported about twenty something apps crashing. It was suggested this was a software issue, but it isn't any software I put on the phone, since I am now appless.
I am using a Tech21 case, I am 33-years old, and it is cold now where i live. Snowing in fact. Really, I have no idea what could be causing this problem. It is frustrating, and it exists. Maybe my age has something to do with it? Smiles.
I can't pin it on anything else, and i am frustrated after paying full price for a phone, and having half of one.
At least I am not alone.