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iPhone 5s mic problem

People are saying they can not hear me clearly when I'm talking. I have tried speaker phone and the head set as well but it doesn't fix the issue... Has anyone else had this issue and if so how did you resolve it or was it just an issue with the phone (I just got it yesterday)

iPhone 5s, iOS 7.0.2

Posted on Oct 2, 2013 2:47 PM

Question marked as Top-ranking reply

Posted on Oct 2, 2013 2:54 PM

I have had same problem. Went to Apple store for problem with iPhone 5 and also told them about people complaining they could not hear me. Did get phone changed due to the main reason I went to the store but volume no better with new phone. I am also interested to see if others have this problem and if anything can be done to improve volume so I can be heard when using iPhone.

230 replies

Dec 27, 2013 8:16 AM in response to nixi88

I've replaced my device twice. That means my current phone is the third in as many months. I also am thankful for the person who posted the video about the flip back cases. This is really no one's fault, if this is really the problem. Apple should identify the problem so this many people would know there is nothing wrong with their devices, and the problem is justly identified. this would mean for Apple that people would complain like we did about the iPhone 4 antenna. They should acknowledge the issue instead of angering customers, swapping devices, and losing loyal iPhone users. Stop using flip cases is a good enough warning in my book. I'll bet the next iPhone will change where the noise canceling mic is located.

I hope that was the only thing that was making my phone muffled. I ditched the Tech21 wallet case I was using, and haven't had too many complaints. I did get comments that I was clear as day when I started the phone as a new device and had no apps installed.

I would be interested in knowing how many of you were not using flip cases when this problem occured. So many of us were, and tinkered with the mic in some way to fix the problem that I think it is identified. Now, Apple, fess up to the nature of this issue and we'll all be happier.

Dec 27, 2013 8:27 AM in response to Jsarevalo

I do not have a cover on my iPhone 5s and

Still have problems. I am on my third iPhone and

Going back to apple today. I have never had a cover and continue

To have mic issues. They talk to me like I am the only

Person in the world with this problem.

I have spent like 10k with Apple this year.

I am totally disgusted with them and really am

Re thinking my relationship with Apple. I know I am

Small potatoes but whatever

Dec 27, 2013 9:38 AM in response to Tommyreddy

It appears that with iOS 7.04 that Phone Noise Cancellation is turned on by default. You can turn off by going to Settings / General / Accessibility. This is probably why many started seeing the problem with the 7.04 update. Could also be how you are holding the phone. If you are covering the microphone next to the camera lens I suspect that you will have the same problem. Turn off this "feature" and see if you still have the problem.

Dec 27, 2013 9:46 AM in response to Jsarevalo

When my iPhone is in BookBook for iPhone 5, my voice sounds muffled to the people I'm talking to. Why is this happening?

The iPhone 5 has a noise-cancelling microphone, located on the back between the camera and flash. In environments with background noise, if this microphone is covered, it will cause your voice to sound muffled. If your listener finds your voice muffled, open the cover slightly to allow the noise-cancelling microphone to work more effectively. This will be true for all cases with a front cover that folds back on itself when the iPhone is in use.

If you have upgraded your iPhone 5 to iOS7, there is an additional solution. The noise-canceling microphone can be disabled by going to Settings > General > Accessibility > Phone Noise Cancelation. Switching this OFF will prevent any interference of the sound from that rear-facing Mic.

Dec 27, 2013 12:53 PM in response to Jsarevalo

Same mic issue here. Many Peopple are saying that they cannot hear me. I am not using any covers over the phone.

Maybe I should have stayed in Nokia as I didn't have such issues during my 15 years of using symbian phones. Phone functionality is the most important thing for me... e7 was perfect, but battery failed at the end.

Dec 27, 2013 2:48 PM in response to Jsarevalo

I have the 5s for like two weeks. I use the bookbook wallet case and people said I sounded muffled. After trying to speak with and without the noise cancelation and nothing covering the rear microphone, didn't realy help. I tried to cover up the mic completly, by putting on some tape, now people now hear me fine.

When noise cancelation on I sound better than turning it off. I wonder if I should return the phone or wait until apple comes with a solution.

This is my first iPhone ever. After everyone laughing at my Nokia, I thouht I try one.

Dec 31, 2013 8:39 PM in response to Jsarevalo

I am also having problems with call quality on my 5s, 7.04 with Sprint. This phone does not have an option to turn off the Noise Cancellation that everyone keeps talking about. However, I noticed that if I put my finger over the rear microphone, the call quality gets dramatically better. Call quality is also pretty good using the speaker phone. I have a survivor case that has a small cover over this portion of the phone. It does not matter whether it is on or off, the call quality is always bad. It seems to do best when the rear microphone is completely blocked. Heading to the store soon. Not impressed with this phone. Unworkable call quality, problems using comcast email with Mail App, unable to use Toyota's Entune App correctly, electrostatic interference with computer speakers when within 2 '. Never had any of these problems, or any problems, with Galaxy SIII.

Dec 31, 2013 9:36 PM in response to goinhamm

So what we know right now is that

- this appears to be an issue for people across different cell carriers with different ios releases

- disabling the noise cancellation does not help.

- having a case or not does not make a difference

- holding a finger over the rear microphone temporarily resolves the muffled sound issue.

Would everyone agree with the above?

I did a search on google Germany and could not find a single report on forums about muffled sound issues. Only cases with microphones that went bad completetly.

So why is this something isolated to the US only? Or do we have reports from other countries also?

Jan 1, 2014 1:24 AM in response to mrsbaer

I have an unlocked iPhone 5S purchased in the Netherlands. I use with T-Mobile in the NL and with AT&T in the U.S. Phone is at 7.04 release. More recently people I was talking to complained that my voice was muffled. I have associated with 7.04 but this may be a result of the noise cancellation setting being set to on as default with 7.04. (I came to this conclusion checking several 7.04 iPhones and finding noise cancellation turned on. This was on phones where the users had no idea that the feature even existed.)

The active noise canceling works by subtracting common sound levels detected by the rear microphone from the sound levels detected by the voice microphone. Normally the rear microphone hears background or ambient noise and the front microphone your voice + background noise. With noise cancellation turned on the background noise is subtracted and your voice is clearer to the person on the other end of the phone. For this to work correctly the rear microphone need to be UNOBSTRUCTED.

The muffled voice problem occurs when both microphones hear your voice. With a flip case such as the Book Book used in the folded back position the case routes enough of the voice to the rear microphone to "muffle" your voice. This is noted on the Twelve South webpage. I tested this and found that with the case folded back gave muffled voice, with it open no problem. Also no problem with the phone out of the case.

Covering the microphone with your finger fixes the problem in that it the rear microphone does not hear any sound and the front picks up your voice + background. As long as you are not in a noisy environment your voice will sound clear. This should be the same effect as disabling the feature (Settings / General / Accessibility / Phone Noise Cancellation).

If the problem still persists with noise cancellation turned off and you are in a reasonably quit environment when using the phone and still have the problem then a call to Apple support is a reasonable next step.

Jan 1, 2014 1:37 AM in response to mrsbaer

I agree but this is NOT only a US problem. We have it in Sweden and Denmark to.

I have replaced my first iphone 5s now and the new one is working fine.

On the first one, no cover, noice cancellation of still no one could hear what I said.

A finger over the rear mic was the solution. Until next time...

I'm convinced that the problem is that the iphone can't choose the main mic.

It prefers the one on the backside.

Jan 1, 2014 5:26 AM in response to Jsarevalo

mrsbaer,, yes, I believe it seems those are the symptoms/issues experienced by those with (what we should have a name for) the faulty microphone.

I'd like to add that, for myself (although I suspect what I experience to be the experience if all those with this problem), the problem occurs consistently and predictably almost every time I use the phone if I have it in my left hand and am holding it to my left ear. Switching to the right-hand side hand/ear combo provides immediate relief of symptoms.

iPhone 5s mic problem

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