I don't think Apple realizes just how important an issue this is to some of us.
... Dear Apple.
I wish to express my great discomfort with your exclusion of USB/Bluetooth sync between Maverick and iOS7. Finding this out I have come to realize that the company I've trusted to bring me better things in life now have made a turn for the worse, forcing its users to use iCloud even if they don't want to.
I've been an Apple client since 1987 and have through my companies and advocacy to family, friends and associates generated millions upon millions and millions of revenue for Apple. Seriously. Through the years my enterprises have been responsible for thousands of computers, printers, (you had those in the past), screens, laptops, smarttphones, smartpads, etc, etc... It's through customers like me that Apple even survived the late 90's when your products where anything but best in class, yet the prices were way up there... We did stay loyal thou because we so much loved the basic concept of placing the user in the front seat which is what Apple technology has always done..
But now... that seems to be abandoned. This one bad move outdoes anything Apple's done in the past. Not because it's not great technology (it is!). But because this is not a technical issue, it's a philosophical one.
As such it relates to fundamental values in me as a hunam being (who also happens to be your client). I'd be happy to change behaviour if that was what was at stake. I have in the past and once getting used to how you think things should be handled I've adapted and been OK.
But this is not a change of behaviour it's a change of values and that's where I, and many with me, draw the line. I do not like cloud services period. I don't trust them and I thoroughly dislike being forced to use them. Others who don't mind them can surely have them, but don't force me to use them against beliefs and values that are at the core of how I define myself and my freedom of choice!
If there isn't a fix, giving me, the user, back the power to chose for myself how and when I wish to synchronise my sensitive, personal data, then my journey with Apple will come to an end!
There are alternatives out there and I can can change my behaviour, adapt and even learn to live with lesser designs.
I'm giving until new year for Apple to bring back my freedom of choice.
Respectfully but not very happy