I regret not seeking for this info before I upgrated to latest Numbers version.
I realized later that I need to rool back to to the previous version, in the worst timing, during prodution.
I use lots of custom made models in my company and after some few hours trying to understant why some elements disapered, why documents are printed without my margin settings.... etc., I rooled back. Deleted the app, found that original old Numbers stayed on Aplicantions folder under iWork folder.... and luckly Models/Templates are keeped in original form (seems the new Numbers store them in other palce)
I am realy sad, because I implemented in my company the idea that you dont need Excel to make simple tasks. Keeping simple and easy under Mac nativeness... didnt expect this, and after iOS7 (that keeps fighting me in some issues) I realy dont understand...
I am Mac user since 2006, windows developer from almost 10 years... but always turn on Mac, not because some funboy'ism but because simply work.
I know that coments in here dont go to any place at Apple, but feels good to talk about and cry.
Another rude issue is the Applescript Support, and comparing, Excel for mac has more suport!!!
Tomorrow I am starting to try Excel trial version, and maybe I will have some laughts in my company at my expense