After attempting my same HLOOKUP test in my post of Oct 23, 2013 9:49 PM, in iCloud for both Mac OS 10.9/Safari and Window 7/Chrome, I am convinced that this HLOOKUP difficulty is simply a bug in Numbers 3.
There is a difference when you do it on iCloud vs Numbers 3:
After you've typed in this much in either Numbers of iCloud
=HLOOKUP( D2, MyTable
here's what the autofill shows:
=HLOOKUP( D2, MyTable:: <notice the extra :: that I didn't type in myself, it's part of the autofill >
In iCloud, on either platform, if I then type a comma, I see this
=HLOOKUP( D2, MyTable, <the :: has been erased, and the formula thingy is ready for the next argument >
On Numbers 3, after you type the comma, NOTHING HAPPENS,
I BELIEVE THIS IS A BUG - in Numbers 3. It's not intentional.
I also believe that if this bug did not exist, then manually growing the table would work in Numbers 3. So for now, typing in the MyTable::A1:C2 is simply a cheap workaround, just to get the HLOOKUP to work in Numbers 3 - but you'd really want just MyTable rather than MyTable::A1:C2, because of the lack-of-growth of the table that sjlawton brought up in an earlier post.)
So I will use the Numbers 3 File -> Provide Numbers Feedback (and, as an aside, SGIII, now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure that lack of Numbers 3 option in the "What version of Numbers are you using" is, in fact, an oversight - or a bug if you want - that Apple also needs to made aware of. I will report both.)