I will continue to use Numbers V2 for my well-established documents. And, I'll follow the updates to Numbers V3. I left MS Office when Numbers V1 was introduced. I upgraded to iWorks '09 the day it was released and was thrilled with the improvements.
Last night I downloaded the most recent release of LibreOffece. It had its usual problems; crashed a couple of times, told me there were updates available, even though I had just downloaded. Hate the user interface.
I've explored IBM Symphony (nothing like the wonderful old Lotus Symphony). I'll see if there are updates for it and give it another try. The user interface is better than Excel, but like LibreOffice, not too stable.
And, I'll be downloading the trial version of MS Office. I'm hoping it's not as cluttered and boring as when I walked away years ago.
My hope is that Numbers V2 will be reincarnated as Numbers Pro and that Numbers V3 will be named something more appropriate, like Numbers Lite, or Collaborative Numbers. I plan to stay active in this wonderful community as long as I have the time to give to it.
Kind regards,