Timbuktu wrote:
I have a possible fix for the 2 finger scroll; I had a similar issue not being able to scroll at all in the Finder with both Trackpad and Mouse wheel. I used TinkerTool and Onyx to tweak some hidden OS settings (enabled Quit in Finder amongst others) and undoing the tweaks fixed my scrolling issues.
So I am wondering if anyone else used 3rd party Finder tweaking that now possibly interferes with Maverick's Finder?
Titanium's Onyx has now been updated for Mac OS X 10.9 but I have not been able to find a tweak that restores the Finder swipe.
The Calendar issue is a separate one whereby the horizontal swipe for movement between months has been replaced with a two-fingered vertical swipe which (as hi-i\'m-jan says) is more scroll-like than page-turning. As such, this is not a loss of function merely a change in the flow of things.
For clarity's sake the OP's issue is the loss of a three-fingered horizontal swipe for navigating backwards and forwards through the folder system in Finder.
Feedback to persuade Apple to hopefully address this issue should be directed to: